Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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نصع نصف نصل

4. ⇒ انصف

أَنَصَفَهُ He did justice to him: (MA:) he acted equitably with him: (Mṣb:) he gave him, or obtained for him, his right, or due, from (مِنْ) another: see أَعْذَرَ.

Root: نصف - Entry: 4. Signification: A2

إِنْصاَفٌ The giving what is right, or due: (M:) or the granting, or rendering, justice. (KL, PṢ.)

Root: نصف - Entry: 4. Signification: A3

أَنْصَفَهُ مِنْ ظَالِمِهِ [He exacted justice for him from his wronger]. (T voce ظَلَّمَ.)

8. ⇒ انتصف

اِنْتَصَفَ مِنْهُ He exacted, or obtained, his right, or due, from him (M, Ḳ) completely, so that each of them became on a par with the other; (Ḳ;) [i. e. with equity].

Root: نصف - Entry: 8. Signification: A2

اِنْتَصَفَ It became halved: (Mṣb:) [often said of the daytime (النَّهَارُ)].


طُبِخَ عَلَى النِّصْفِ, and أُصْلِحَ على النصف, It (wine) was boiled until half of it had gone, or evaporated. (TA, voce طَابَة.)


مَكَانٌ نَصَفٌ بَيْنَ مَكَانَيْنِ [A place half-way, midway, or equidistant, between two places]. (Mughnee in art. سَوَآءٌ.)

Root: نصف - Entry: نَصَفٌ Signification: A2

نَصَفٌ A middle-aged woman or man: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) or forty-five years old: or fifty years old. (Ḳ.) Dim. نُصيف.


نَصِيفٌ A woman's muffler: see خِمَارٌ.



مُنَصَّفٌ Expressed juice, (Mgh, Mṣb,) or wine, or beverage, (Ḳ,) cooked until half of it has gone [by evaporation]. (Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ.)


مَنَاصَفٌ Not wholly ripe: [half-ripe:] applied to the date. (TA, voce بُسْرٌ.)


أَنْصاَفُ اللَّبِنِ [Half-bricks, or] cut bricks, whereof the one is placed, in building, beside the whole brick, for the purpose of ornamentation. (Mṣb in art. خرج.)

Indication of Authorities

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