Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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Lexicological and Grammatical Terms

Accord., for according.
Accus. case, for accusative case, نَصْبٌ.
Act., for active, مَبْنِىٌّ لِلْفَاعِلِ or لِلْمَعْلُومِ.
Act. part. n., for active participial noun, اِسْمُ فَاعِلٍ.
Adv. n., for adverbial noun, ظَرْفٌ, and sometimes صِفَةٌ; of place, ظَرْفُ مَكَانٍ; and of time, ظَرْفُ زَمَانٍ.
Agent, فَاعِلٌ.
Analogous, or regular, قِيَاسِىٌّ and مَقِيسٌ.
Analogy, فِيَاسٌ.
Anomalous, or irregular, غَيْرُ قِيَاسِىٍّ and غَيْرُ مَقِيسٍ or شَاذٌّ (see “Dev.”) or نَادِرٌ (see “Extr.”).
Aor., for aorist, مُضَارِعٌ.
Aplastic, applied to a noun and to a verb, جَامِدٌ.
App., for apparently.
Appositive, تَابِعٌ.
Attribute, or predicate, مُسْنَدٌ and خَبَرٌ.
Broken pl., for broken plural, جَمْعٌ مُكَسَّرٌ.
Coll. gen. n., for collective generic noun, اِسْمُ جِنْسٍ جَمْعِىٌّ; also called a lexicological plural, جَمْعٌ لُغَوِىٌّ.
Complement of a prefixed noun, مُضَافٌ إِلَيْهِ.
Complete, i. e. attributive, verb, فِعْلٌ تَامٌّ.
Conj., for conjugation, بَابٌ.
Conjunct, مَوْصُولٌ: conjunct noun, مَوْصُولٌ ٱسْمِىٌّ: conjunct particle, مَوْصُولٌ حَرْفِىٌّ.
Conjunction, حَرْفُ عَطْفٍ and حَرْفٌ عَاطِفٌ.
Contr., for contrary.
Conventional term, اِصْطِلَاحٌ. ― Conventional language, عُرْفٌ.
Corroborative, تَأْكِيدٌ‏ and تَوْكِيدٌ.
Decl., for declinable, ‏مُعْرَبٌ: perfectly decl., ‏مَصْرُوفٌ and ‏ مُنْصَرِفٌ: imperfectly decl., غَيْرُ مَصْرُوفٍ and ‏غَيْرُ مُنْصَرِفٍ.
Defective verb, i. e. having و or ى for the last radical letter, فِعْلٌ نَاقِصٌ.
Dev., for deviating; as in the phrase, Deviating from the constant course of speech (with respect to analogy, or rule, or with respect to usage); شَاذٌّ. This term and نَادِرٌ (see “Extr.”) are often used in lexicons indiscriminately.
Dial., for dialect, لُغَةٌ.
Dial. var. of, for dialectic variant of, لُغَةٌ فِى.
Dim., for diminutive, مُصَغَّرٌ.
Enunciative, خَبَرٌ.
Epithet, and epithetic phrase, نَعْتٌ and وَصْفٌ and صِفَةٌ.
Ex., for example.
Expl., for explained.
Expos., for exposition, شَرْحٌ and تَفْسِيرٌ: the latter particularly applied to an exposition of the Ḳur-án.
Extr., for extraordinary (with respect to analogy or rule, with respect to usage), نَادِرٌ. (See “Dev.”)
Fem., for feminine, مُؤَنَّثٌ.
Fut., for future, مُسْتَقْبَلٌ.
Gen. case, for genitive case, خَفْضٌ and جَرٌّ.
Gen. n., for generic noun, اِسْمُ جِنْسٍ.
Hollow verb, فِعْلٌ أَجْوَفُ.
Homonym, مُشْتَرَكٌ for مُشْتَرَكٌ فِيهِ.
I. q., for idem quod.
Ideal subst. (as opposed to real subst.), اِسْمُ مَعْنًى, or simply مَعْنًى.
Imitative sequent, إِتْباَعٌ.
Imperative, أَمْرٌ.
Inchoative, مُبْتَدَأٌ.
Incomplete, i. e. non-attributive, verb, فِعْلٌ نَاقِصٌ or فِعْلٌ غَيْرُتَامٍّ.
Indecl., for indeclinable, مَبْنِىٌّ.
Inf. n., for infinitive noun, مَصْدَرٌ. Inf. n. of unity, مَصْدَرٌ لِلْمَرَّةِ. Inf. n. of modality, مَصْدَرٌ لِلنَّوْعِ.
Instrumental noun, اِسْمُ آلَةٍ.
Intrans., for intransitive, غَيْرُ مُتَعَدٍّ and لَازِمٌ.
Irreg., for irregular: see “Anomalous.”
Lit., for literally.
Maḥmooz verb, فِعْلٌ مَهْمُوزٌ.
Manṣoob aor., for manṣoob aorist, مُضَارِعٌ مَنْصُوبٌ.
Masc., for masculine, مُذَكَّرٌ.
Measure, وَزْنٌ.
Mejzoom aor., for mejzoom aorist, مُضَارِعٌ مَجْزُومٌ.
Metaphor, اِسْتِعَارَةٌ.
Metaphorical, اِسْتِعَارِىٌّ.
Metonymy, كِنَايَةٌ.
N., for noun, اِسْمٌ.
N. un., for noun of unity, وَاحِدَةٌ and وَاحِدٌ.
Nom. case, for nominative case, رَفْعٌ.
Objective complement of a verb, مَفْعُولٌ or مَفْعُولٌ بِهِ.
Part. n.: see “act. part. n.” and “pass. part. n.”
Particle, حَرْفٌ.
Pass., for passive, مَبْنِىٌّ لِلْمَفْعُولِ or لِلْمَجْهُولِ.
Pass. part. n., for passive participial noun, اِسْمُ مَفْعُولٍ.
Perfect pl., for perfect plural, جَمْعٌ سَالِمٌ; also called a sound pl., جَمْعٌ صَحِيحٌ.
Perfect verb, i. e. one which has not two radical letters alike, nor has ء nor و nor ى for one of its radical letters, فِعْلٌ سَالِمٌ. (See also “Sound verb.”)
Pers., for person (of a verb).
Pl., for plural, جَمْعٌ.
Pl. of pauc., for plural of paucity, جَمْعُ فِلَّةٍ.
Pl. of mult., for plural of multitude, جَمْعُ كَثْرَةٍ.
Pl. pl., for plural of a plural, جَمْعُ جَمْعٍ.
Possessive noun or epithet (such as تَامِرٌ and لَابِنٌ &c.), اِسْمٌ عَلَى النَّسَبِ (a kind of relative noun).
Post-classical, مُوَلَّدٌ and مُحْدَثٌ.
Predicate: see “Attribute.”
Prefixed noun, مُضَافٌ.
Prep., for preposition, حَرْفُ جَرٍّ, and sometimes صِفَةٌ.
Pret., for preterite, مَاضٍ.
Prov., for proverb, مَثَلٌ.
Q., for quadriliteral-radical verb, فِعْلٌ رُبَاعِىٌّ.
Q. Q., for quasi-quadriliteral-radical verb, فِعْلٌ مُلْحَقٌ بِالرُّبَاعِىِّ.
Q. v., for quod vide.
Quasi-coordinate, مُلْحَقٌ see art. لحق.
Quasi-inf. n., for quasi-infinitive noun, اِسْمُ مَصْدَرٍ and اِسْمٌ لِلْمَصْدَرِ.
Quasi-pass., for quasi-passive, مُطَاوِعٌ.
Quasi-pl. n., for quasi-plural noun, اِسْمُ جَمْعٍ.
Quasi-sound verb, i. e. one having و or ى for its first radical letter, فِعْلٌ مِثَالٌ.
R. Q., for reduplicative quadriliteral-radical verb, فِعْلٌ رُبَاعَىٌّ مُضَاعَفٌ.
Real subst. (as opposed to ideal subst.), اِسْمُ عَيْنٍ or simply عَيْنٌ, and اِسْمُ ذَاتٍ or simply ذَاتٌ.
Receptacular noun, اِسْمُ وِعَآءٍ.
Reg., for regular: see “Analogous.”
Rel. n., for relative noun, اِسْمٌ مَنْسُوبٌ or نِسْبَةٌ.
Simple subst. (as opposed to inf. n.), اِسْمٌ.
Sing., for singular, مُفْرَدٌ and وَاحِدٌ.
Sound pl., for sound plural: see “Perfect pl.”
Sound verb, i. e. one which is not of the class termed “perfect,” but which has not و nor ى for one of its radical letters: or, as used in the ʼEyn and several other lexicons, one that has not و nor ى nor ء for one of its radical letters: فِعْلٌ صَحِيحٌ (See “Perfect verb.”)
Specificative, or discriminative, تَمْيِيزٌ.
State, denotative of, حَالٌ.
Subject (as correlative of attribute or predicate), مُسْنَدٌ إِلَيْهِ.
Subst., for substantive, اِسْمٌ.
Substitute, بَدَلٌ.
Syll. signs, for syllabical signs, شَكْلٌ.
Syn., for synonym and synonymous, مُرَادِفٌ and مُتَرَادِفٌ.
Syn. with, for synonymous with, لُغَةٌ فِى.
Trad., for tradition, حَدِيثٌ.
Trans. for transitive, مُتَعَدٍّ and وَاقِعٌ.
Transposition, فَلْبٌ. Formed by transposition, مَقْلُوبٌ.
Tropical, مَجَازٌ and مَجَازِىٌّ.
Unsound verb, i. e. one having و or ى for one of its radical letters: or, as used in the ʼEyn and several other lexicons, one having و or ى or ء for one of its radical letters: فِعْلٌ مُعْتَلٌّ.
V., for verb, فِعْلٌ.
Verbal noun, اِسْمُ فِعْلٍ.
means asserted to be tropical.
‡‡ means asserted to be doubly tropical.
means supposed by me to be tropical.