Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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Lexicologists and Grammarians Cited

* Ibn-ʼAbbás: died in the year of the Flight 68
* Mujáhid: said to have lived 83 years; and to have died in 100 or 101 or 102 or 103
* Ḳatádeh: born in 60: died in 117 or 118
Aboo-’Amr Ibn-El-’Alà: (*born at Mekkeh, in the year of the flight 70 or 68 or 65:) died in 151(*or 154) or 159
El-Khaleel: lived to the age of 74 160 or 170 or 175
* El-Leyth Ibn-Naṣr Ibn-Seiyár El-Khurásánee: contemporary with, and companion of, El-Khaleel
Yoonus: born in the year 90 182 *or 183
* Abu-d-Duḳeysh: comtemporary with Yoonus.
El-Kisá-ee 182 or 183 or 189 or 192
Seebaweyh: lived 32 years, or 40 and odd years: died in 161 (*or 177) or 180 or 188 or 194
Aboo-Moḥammad El-Yezeedee: lived 74 years: died in 202
En-Naḍr lbn-Shumeyl: died in 203 or 204
Ḳuṭrub 206
El-Farrà: lived 67 years 207
Aboo-ʼObeydeh (*Maạmar Ibn-El-Muthennà Et-Teymee): born in 112: died in 208 or 209 or 210 or 211
Aboo-ʼAmr Esh-Sheybánee: lived 110 (*or 111) or 118 years: died in 205 or 206 or 213
Aboo-Zeyd: (*El-Anṣáree:) lived 93 years: died in 214 or 215 or 216
El-Aṣmaʼee: born in 123 (*or 122): died in (*214 or) 215 or 216 *or 217
* El-Liḥyánee: contemporary with El-Kisá-ee and Aboo-ʼObeydeh and Aboo-Zeyd and El-Aṣmaʼee.
Abu-l-Ḥasan El-Akhfash 210 or 215 or 221
* Abu-l–Heythem: a preceptor of Aboo-ʼObeyd.
* Ibn-Burzurj: contemporary with Abu-l–Heythem.
Aboo-ʼObeyd: lived 67 years: died in 223 or 224 or 230
Ibn-El-Aạrábee: born in 150: died in 231 or 233
* Shemir: contemporary with Ibn-El-Aạrábee.
Ibn-Es-Sikkeet (*Yaạḳoob) 244
Aboo-Ḥátim Es-Sijistánee: lived nearly 90 years: died in 248 or 250 or 254 or 255
* Es-Sukkaree (author of an “ Exposition of the Deewán El-Hudhaleeyeen ”): born in 212: died in 270 or 275
Ibn-Ḳuteybeh: [also called El-Ḳutabee, and by some, (among whom is the author of Táj-el-ʼAroos,) less properly, El-Ḳuteybee: (see the Biogr. Dictionary of En-Nawawee, p. 771:)] born in 213: died in 267 *or 270 or 271 or 276
* Aboo-Ḥaneefeh Ed-Deenawaree (author of the “ Book of Plants ”) 282
El-Mubarrad: born in 210: died in 282 or 285 *or 286
Thaạlab (*Abu-l-ʼAbbás Aḥmad Ibn-Yaḥyà, author of the “Faṣeeḥ”): born in 200: died in 291
Kuráạ cir. 310
Ez-Zejjáj (*Aboo-Is-ḥáḳ) 311
* Ibn-Dureyd (author of the “ Jemharah ”): born in 223, or [about five years later, for] it is said that he lived 93 years, not more, and died in 321
* Ibraheed Ibn-Moḥammad Ibn-ʼArafeh (Nifṭaweyh): born in 244 or 250: died in 323
Aboo-Bekr Ibn-El-Ambáree: born in 271: died in (*327 or) 328
Ez-Zejjájee (*337 or) 339 or 340
* El-Farábee 343
Ibn-Durustaweyh: born in 258: died in 347
Ibm-El-Ḳooṭeeyeh 367
Es-Seeráfee: born before the year 270: died in 368
Ibn-Khálaweyh 370
El-Azheree (author of the “ Tahdheeb ”): *born in 282: died in *370 or 371
Aboo-ʼAlee El-Fárisee: (*lived more than 90 years:) died in (*376 or) 377
Aboo-Bekr Ez-Zubeydee (author of an abridgment of the “ ʼEyn ”) 379
* Ibn-ʼAbbád (The Ṣáḥib, author of the “ Moḥeeṭ ”): born in 326: died in 385
* El-Khaṭṭábee 388
Ibn-Jinnee (*Abu-l-Fet-ḥ ʼOthmán): born before the year 330: died in 392
Ibn-Fáris (*390 or) 395
El-Jowharee (author of the “ Ṣiḥáḥ ”) *393 or 397 or 398
El-Harawee (author of the “ Ghareebeyn ”) 401
* Mohammad Ibn-Jaạfar El-Ḳazzáz 412
El-Jawáleeḳee 425
* Ibn-Et-Teiyánee (author of the “ Mooʼab ”) 436
Ibn-Seedeh (*author of the “ Moḥkam ”): lived about 60 years: died in 458
El-Khaṭeeb Et-Tehreezee: born in 421: died in 502
* Er-Rághib El-Iṣfahánee: died in the early part of century five.
Ibn-El-Ḳaṭṭáạ: born in 433: died in 515
* El-Meydánee: died in 518
Ibn-Es-Seed El-Baṭalyowsee: born in 444: died in 521
Ez-Zamakhsheree (*author of the “ ʼAsás ” and “ Keshsháf,” &c.): born in 467: died in 538
* Es-Suheylee (author of the “ Rowḍ ”) 581
Ibn-Barree (*author of “ Annotations on the Ṣiḥáḥ ”) 582
* Ibn-El-Atheer El-Jezeree, (Mejd-ed-Deen, author of the “ Niháyeh ”) 606
* El-Fakhr Er-Rázee 606
* El-Muṭarrizee (author of the “ Mughrib ”) born in 536: died in 610
Eṣ-Ṣaghánee (*or Eṣ-Ṣághánee, author of the “ ʼObáb ” and of the “ Tekmileh fi-ṣ-Ṣiḥáḥ ”): born in 577 died in 660
Er-Raḍee Esh-Sháṭibee: born in 601 died in 684
* El-Beyḍáwee 685 or 690 or 691
El-Jemál Ibn-Málik: born in 600: died in 692
* Ibn-Mukarram (author of the “ Lisán el-ʼArab ”): born in 630: died in 711
* El-Feiyoomee (author of the “ Miṣbáḥ,” which he finished in 734).
Aboo-Ḥeiyán: born in 654: died in 745
* Ibn-Hishám (author of the “ Mughnee ”): born in 708: died in 761 or 762
El-Feyroozábádee (author of the “ Ḳámoos ” *and the” Baṣáʼïr”): born in 729: died in 816
* The seyyid Murtaḍà Ez-Zebeedee (author of the “ Táj el-ʼAroos ”): died in 1205