Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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عيم عين عيه

1. ⇒ عينعان

عَيْنٌ [app. as inf. n. of عَانَ, agreeably with analogy, (like as أَذْنٌ is of أَذَنَ, and أَنْفٌ of أَنَفَ, &c.,) aor. يَعِينٌ,] signifies The hitting, or hurting, [another] in the eye. (Ḳ.)

Root: عين - Entry: 1. Signification: A2

And The smiting with the [evil] eye: (Ḳ:) which is said in a trad. to be a reality. (TA.) You say, عِنْتُ الرَّجُلَ I smote the man with my [evil] eye. (Ṣ.) And إِنَّكَ لَجَمِيلٌ وَلَا أَعِنْكَ, meaning [Verily thou art beautiful,] and may I not smite thee with the [evil] eye; and ولا أَعِينُكَ, meaning and I will not smite thee, &c. (Lḥ, TA.) Andتعيّن↓ المَالَ He (a man) smote the مال [i. e. cattle, or camels,, &c.,] with an [evil] eye: (Ṣ:) orتعيّن↓ الأِبِلَ, andاعتانها↓, andاعانها↓, he raised his eyes towards the camels, looking at them, and expanded his hand over his eyebrow like as does he who shades his eyes from the sun, (Ḳ, TA,) to smite them with an [evil] eye, (Ḳ,* TA,) and he so smote them. (TA)

Root: عين - Entry: 1. Signification: A3

عَانَ عَلَيْنَا, (Ṣ, TA,) aor. يَعِينُ, (Ṣ,) inf. n. عَيَانَةٌ; (Ṣ, TA; [in one of my copies of the Ṣ, عِيَانَة;]) andاعتان↓ لَنَا; both signify He was, or became, a spy, or scout, for us. (Ṣ, TA.) [Golius mentions alsoعاين↓, construed with ل, in this sense, as from the Ṣ; in which I do not find it.] And one says,اِذْهَبْ فَٱعْتَنْ↓ لَنَا مَنْزِلًا, Go thou, and look for, or seek, a place of alighting for us: (Ṣ:) and Lḥ says the like, making the verb trans. (TA.) Andبَعَتْنَا عَيْنًا يَعْتَانُنَا↓, and يَعْتَانُ لَنَا; (Ḳ, TA;) and يَعِينُنَا, (Ḳ, TA, but omitted in the CK,) and يَعِينُ لَنَا, (El-Hejeree, TA,) inf. n. عَيَانَةٌ, (Ḳ, TA,) with fet-ḥ, (TA [in the CK عِيَانَة;]) i. e. [We sent a spy, or scout,] to bring us information. (Ḳ, TA.) [See also مُعْتَانٌ.]

Root: عين - Entry: 1. Signification: A4

عان الدَّمْعُ, and المَآءُ, (Ṣ,) inf. n. عَيَنَانٌ (Ṣ, Ḳ) and عَيْنٌ, (Ḳ, TA,) The tears, and ‡ the water, flowed. (Ṣ, Ḳ.*) And عَانتِ البِئْرُ, inf n. عَيْنٌ, The well had in it much water. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: 1. Signification: A5

And حَفَرْتُ حَتَّى عِنْتُI dug until I reached the springs, or sources: (Ṣ, TA:) and in like manner one says,أَعْيَنْتُ↓ المَآءَ [I reached the water]: (Ṣ:) or, accord, to the T, one say,حَفَرَ الحَافِرُ فَأَعْيَنَ↓ andأَعَانَ↓. meaning [The digger dug,] and reached the springs, or sources. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: 1. Dissociation: B

عَيِنَ, (Ḳ,) inf. n. عَيَنٌ, (Ṣ,* Ḳ, [not, as in the CK, with the ى quiescent.]) and عِيْنَةٌ, (Lḥ,* Ḳ.) [He was wide in the eye: or large and wide therein: (see أَعْيَنُ:) or] he was large in the black of the eye, with width [of the eye itself]. (Ḳ.)

2. ⇒ عيّن

عيّن اللّْؤْلُؤَةَHe bored, perforated, or pierced, the pearl; (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA;) as though he made to it an eye. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: 2. Signification: A2

عيّن القِرْبَةَ He poured water into the skin in order that the stitchholes might become closed (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA) by swelling, (Ṣ,) it being new: and سَرَّبَهَا [q. v.] signifies the same, as mentioned by Aṣ, (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: 2. Dissociation: B

تَعْيِينُ الشَّئْءِ signifies † The individuating of a thing, or particularizing it; i. e. the distinguishing it from the generality, or aggregate. (Ṣ, Mṣb, TA) [عيّنهُ means † He individuated it,, &c.: and he particularized, or specified, it by words; mentioned it particularly, or specially. And عيّن لَه كَذَاHe appointed, or prescribed, for him, or he assigned to him, particularly, such a thing: and عيّن عَلَيْهِ كَذَا He appointed against him, or imposed upon him, particularly, such a thing]. You say, عَيَّنْتُ المَالَ لِزَيْدٍI assigned the property particularly, or specially, to Zeyd. (Mṣb.) And أَتَيْتُ فُلَانًا فَمَا عَيَّنَ لِى بِشَىْءٍ and مَا عَيَّنَنِىبِشَىْءٍ i. e. † [I came to such a one,] and he did not give me anything: (Lḥ, TA:) or, as some say, he did not direct me to anything. (TA.) And عَيَّنَ عَلَى السَّارِقِHe distinguished, or singled out, the thief from among the suspected persons: or, as some say, he manifested against the thief his theft. (TA.) And عَيَّنْتُ النِّيَّةَ فِى الصَّوْمِI purposed the performance of a particular fast. (Mṣb.)

Root: عين - Entry: 2. Signification: B2

عيّن فُلَانًا He told such a one to his face of his vices, or faults, or the like. (I. h, Ṣ, Ḳ.)

Root: عين - Entry: 2. Dissociation: C

عيّن الحَرْبَ بَيْنَنَا i. q. أَدَارَهَا [He, or it, stirred war, or conflict, or the war or conflicet, between us, or among us]: so in the Ḳ in the L, ادرها [perhaps for أَدَرَّهَا, but more probably, I think, for أَدَارَهَا]. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: 2. Dissociation: D

عيّن الشَّجَرُ The trees became beautiful and bright, and blossomed. (Ḳ. TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: 2. Dissociation: E

عيّن الرَّجُلُ The man took [or bought] بِالعِينَةِ i. e. السَّلَفِ [meaning for payment in advance, accord. to all the explanations that I find of السَّلَف as used in buying and selling; but accord to the TḲ, upon credit, i. e. for payment at a future period, agreeably with an explanation of عِينَة in the A and Mgh; see this word in its place and see also 8]:or he so gave [or sold]. (Ḳ.)

Root: عين - Entry: 2. Signification: E2

And (Ḳ.) عيّن التَّاجِرُ, (Mṣb, Ḳ, TA,) accord. to Az, (Mṣb, TA,) The merchand, or trader, sold (Mṣb, Ḳ, TA,) to a man (Mṣb, TA,) a commodity for a certain price to be paid at a certain period, and then bought it of him for less than that price (Mṣb, Ḳ, TA,) with ready money. (Mṣb.)

Root: عين - Entry: 2. Dissociation: F

عيّن العَيْنَ, (Ḳ, TA,) inf. n. تَعْيِينٌ (TA,) He wrote the letter ع. (Ḳ, TA.)One says, عيّن عيْنًا حَسَنَةً He made [or wrote] a beautiful ع. (Th, TA.)

3. ⇒ عاين

عَايَنْتُهُ, inf. n. عِيَانٌ (Ṣ, Mṣb) and مُعَايَنَةٌ (Mṣb,) I saw it [or him] with my eye [or eyes, ocularly, or abefore my eyes]; (Ṣ;) [or I wieved with my eye, and faced, or confronted, him, or it; for] المُعَايَنَةُ signifies the viewing with the eye, and facing, or confronting. (TA.) [See also 5.] You say, Lَقِيَهُ عِيَانًا, thus in copies of the Ḳ; but in some copies عِيَنَةً↓ with fet-ḥ to the second and third letters and with kesr to the ع, and thus accord. to Lḥ, (TA,) i. e. [He met him] eye to eyes (مُعَايَنَةً), [or face to face,] not doubting of his seeing him. (Ḳ, TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: 3. Signification: A2
Root: عين - Entry: 3. Dissociation: B

مُعَايَنَةٌ signifies also † The dealing in buying and selling with real money [which is termed عَيْنٌ]. (KL.)

Root: عين - Entry: 3. Dissociation: C

See also عَيْنٌ, in the third quarter of the paragraph.

4. ⇒ اعيناعان

see 1, former half:

Root: عين - Entry: 4. Signification: A2

and {1} last sentence but one, in three places.

Root: عين - Entry: 4. Dissociation: B

مَا أَعْيَنَهُ How evil-eyed is he! (Ḳ,* TḲ.)

5. ⇒ تعيّن

تعيّنهُ He saw him, or it; or he looked, or looked at or towards, [or eyed,] trying whether he could see, him, or it; syn. أَبْصَرَهُ (TA.)He saw him (a man) with certainty. (Ḳ.) [See also 3.]

تعيّن المَالَ, and الإِبِلَ see 1, former half, in two places.

Root: عين - Entry: 5. Signification: A3

تعيّن, said of a man, also signifies He was, or became, confounded, or perplexed, and unable to see his right course, by reason of shame, (تَشَوَّرَ, for which تَشَوَّهَ is erroneously put in the copies of the Ḳ, TA,) or, accord. to some copies, تصوّس [app. as syn. with, or perhaps a mistake for, تشاوس, meaning he contracted his eye to look], (TḲ,) and acted leisurely, or waited, or waited patiently, to smite a thing with his [evil] eye. (Ḳ, TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: 5. Signification: A4

Said of a skin, † Id had thin circles, or rings, or round places, [likened to eyes,] (Fr, Ṣ, TA,) rendering it faulty: (Ṣ:) or, said of a water-skin, it was, or became thin by reason of oldness: (TA:) [or it became lacerated, or worn in holes; as is shown by what here follows.] One says also, تَعَيَّنَتْ أَخْفَافُ الأِبِلِ, meaning † The feet of the camels became lacerated [in the soles], or worn in holes, or blistered; like the water-skin of which one says تعيّن. (IAạr, TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: 5. Dissociation: B

تعيّن also signifies † It was, or became, clear, or distinct. (KL.)

Root: عين - Entry: 5. Signification: B2

And † It was or became, individuated, or particularized; i. e., distinguished from the generality, or aggregate. (KL,) [Thus signifying, it is quasi-pass. of عَيَّنَهُ. Hence it means † It had, or assumed, the quality of individuality. And † It was, or became, particularized. or specified, by words; mentioned particularly, or specially. And تعيّن لَهُ It was appointed, or prescribed, for him, or was assigned to him, particularly or peculiarly. And تعيّن عَلَيْهِIt was appointed against him, upon him, particularly. And hence.] one says, تعيّن عَلَيْهِ الشَّئْ, meaning لَزِمَهُ بِعَيْنِهِ, [i. e.: The thing was, or became, incumbent, or obligatory, on him in particular] (Ṣ, Ḳ.)

Root: عين - Entry: 5. Dissociation: C

8. ⇒ اعتيناعتان

see 1, in four places.

Root: عين - Entry: 8. Dissociation: B

اعتان الشَّئْHe took the عَيْن of the thing, (Ṣ,) the choice, or best thereof. (Ṣ, TA.[See also 8 in art. عون])

Root: عين - Entry: 8. Dissociation: C

And He bought the thing upon credit, for payment at a future time: (Ṣ, Mṣb, KL, TA:) i. e. اعتان signifies he took upon credit, for payment at a future time; (Mgh: [in which is expl. by the words أَخَذَ بِالعِينةِ, and in which عِينَة in a sale is expl. as meaning نَسِيْئَة;]) and soتعيّن↓; (KL;) [but Mṭr says,] the saying تَعَيّنْ عَلَىّٰ حَرِيرًا as meaning اشْتَرِهْ بِبَيْعِ العِينَةِ I have not found. (Mgh,) [See also عيّن الرَّجُلُ expl. as meaning “The man took بِالعينَةِ.”]


عَيْنٌ is a homonym, applying to various things (Mṣb:) in the Ḳ, forty-seven meanings are assigned to it; but it is said by MF that its meanings exceed a hundred; those occurring in the Ḳur-án are seventeen. (TA.,) By that which is app. its primary application, and which is by many affirmed to be so, (TA,) العَيْنُ signifies The eye: the organ of sight: (Ṣ, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ, TA [in the Ṣ expl. by حَاسَّةُ الرُّؤْيَةِ, evidently used in this sense; in the Mgh, by المُبْصِرَةُ; in the Mṣb and Ḳ, by البَاصِرَةُ; and in a mater place in the Ḳ. by حَاسَّةُ الرُّؤْيَة, app. as meaning the sense of sight;]) also denoted [emphatically] by the term الجَارِحَةُ [i. e. the organ]; (TA;) it is that with which the looker sees: (ISk, TA;) and is of a human being and of any other animal: (TA:) it is of the fem. gender: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) and the pl. [of mult.] as عُيُونٌ, (Ṣ, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ,) also pronounced عُيونٌ, (Ḳ, [in which وَتُكْسَرُ, immediately following عُيُونٌ, has been erroneously supposed by Golius and Freytag to relate to the sing.,]) and [of pauc.] أَعْيَانٌ and أَعْيُنٌ, (Ṣ, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ,) which last is asserted by Lḥ to be sometimes a pl. of mult., as it is in the Ḳur vii. [178 and] 194; (TA.) and pl. pl. أَعْيُنَاتٌ: (Ḳ:) the dim. is عُيَيْنَةٌ↓, (Ṣ.) Hence the saying in a trad. of ʼAlee, قَاسَ عَيْنًا بِبَيْضَةٍ جَعَلَ عَلَيْهَا خُطُوطًا [He measured the reach of an eye by means of an egg upon which he made lines]. (Mgh.) And [hence also] one says, بِعَيْنٍ مَّا أَرَيَنَّكَ [lit. With some eye I will assuredly see thee]: it is said to one whom you send, and require to be quick; and means † pause not for anything, for it is as though I were looking at thee. (TA. [See also art. رأى.]) And لَقِيتُهُ عَيْنَ عُنَّةٍ [I met him so that] I saw him with [or before] my eye, he not seeing me. (Ṣ, TA.) [And رَأَيْتُهُ عَيْنَ عُنَّةٍ or عُنَّةَ, which see in art. عن. And أَعْطَيْتُهُ عَيْنَ عُنَّةَ and عُنَّة, which also see in art. عن.] And رَأَيْتُهُ عَرْضَ عَيْنٍ I saw him, or it, obviously; nearly. (TA, voce عَرْضٌ, q. v.) And هَا هُوَ عَرْضُ عَيْنٍ [or عَرْضَ عَيْنٍ?] i. e. [Lo, he, or it, is] near [before thee]: and in like manner, هُوَ مِنِّى عَيْنُ عُنَّةٍ [or عَيْنَ عُنَّةٍ? i. e. He is near before me]. (Ḳ.) And لَقِيتُهُ أَوَّلَ عَيْنٍ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) and أَوَّلَ ذِى عَيْنٍ andعَائِنَةٍ↓, (TA,) I met him, or it, the first thing: (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA:) and before every [other] thing; as alsoأَوَّلَ عَائِنَةٍ↓ and أَدْنَى عَائِنَةٍ: (Ṣ:) or this last means the nearest thing perceived by the eye. (TA.) And فَعَلْتُ ذَاكَ عَمْدَ عَيْنٍ and عَمْدًا عَلَى عَيْنٍI did that purposely, with seriousness, or earnestness, and certainty: (Ṣ:) or صَنَعَ ذٰلِكَ عَلَى عَيْنٍ and عَلَى عَيْنَيْنِ, (Ḳ, TA,) and عَمْدَ عَيْنٍ and عَمْدَ عَيْنَيْنِ, (Ḳ,) or عَلَى عَمْدِ عَيْنٍ and عَلَى عَمْدِ عَيْنَيْنِ, (TA,)He did that purposely, (Lḥ, Ḳ, TA,) with seriousness, or earnestness, and certainty. (Ḳ.) And هُوَ عَبْدُ عَيْنٍHe is like the slave to thee as long as thou seest him, (Ṣ, Ḳ,* TA,) but not when thou art absent; and so هُوَ عَبْدُ العَيْنِ: (Ṣ:) or he is a man who pretends, or feigns, to thee, his doing that which he does not perform: (TA:) and (Ḳ, TA) in this sense, (TA,) one says also, هُوَ صَدِيقُ عَيْنٍ i. e. † [He is a friend, or a true friend,] as long as thou seest him: (Ḳ, TA:) and هُوَ أَخُو عَيْنٍHe is one who acts as a friend hypocritically with thee. (TA.) أَنْتَ عَلَى عَيْنِى is said in relation to honouring and protecting: (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA:) [accordingly I would render it ‡ Thou art entitled to be honoured and protected by me above my eye: for the eye is esteemed the most excellent of the organs, (as is said in this art. in the TA,) and it is that which most needs protection:] أَنْتَ عَلَى رَأْسِى is said in relation to honouring only. (TA.) And the Arabs say, عَلَى عَيْنِى قَصَدْتُ زَيْدًا, meaning thereby the regarding with solicitude mixed with fear [so that I would render it † As one to be regarded with solicitude mixed with fear above my eye I made Zeyd the object to which my mind was directed]. (TA.) [See another ex. of عَلَى عَيْنِى (in which it cannot be rendered as above) in a later part of this paragraph.] نَعِمَ ٱللّٰهُ بِكَ عَيْنًا [in the CK نَعَّمَ, which is wrong,] means the same as أَنْعَمَهَا. (Ḳ. [See both in art. نعم.]) قُرَّةُ العَيْنِ [signifying مَا قَرَّتْ بِهِ العَيْنُ, as expl. in the M and Ḳ in art. قر, i. e. That by which, or in consequence of which, the eye becomes cool, or refrigerated, or refreshed,, &c.,] is a phrase used as meaning † A man's child or offspring. (TA.) فَقَأَ عَيْنَهُ [properly signifying He put out his eye, or blinded it,, &c.,] means [sometimes]he struck him; or struck him vehemently with a broad thing, or with anything; or slapped him with his hand: (صَكَّهُ:) or he was rough, rude, or ungentle, to him in speech. (TA.) اَلَّذِى فِيهِ عَيْنَاكَ means Thy head. (TA. [There mentioned preceded by لاتحرمَن: thus dubiously, and perhaps incorrectly, written. What is means, or should be, I know not.])

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: A2

عَيْنُ الثَّوْرِ[The eye of the Bull;] the great red star [a] that is upon the southern eye of Taurus, and also [more commonly] called الدَّبَرَانُ. (Ḳzw, Descr. of Taurus.) [And عَيْنُ الرَّامِىThe eye of Sagittarius; app. the two stars v, on the eye thereof.]

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: A3

عَيْنُ البَقَرِ[The buphthalmum, or ox-eye;] the [plant called] بَهَار [q. v.]. (Ṣ in art. بهر.) And عُيُونُ البَقَرِA sort of grapes, (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA,) black, (Ḳ, TA,) but not intensely so, large in the berries, (TA,) and round, (Ḳ, TA,) which are converted into raisins, and are not very sweet: so says AḤn: thus called as being likened to the eyes of the animals termed بَقَر: (TA:) they are found in Syria: (Ṣ:) or said by some to be peculiar to Syria. (TA.) And Certain black إِجَّاص [or plums]: (Ḳ, TA:) thus called for the same reason. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: A4

عَيْنُ الهِرِّ[Cat's-eye;] a certain stone, well known, of no utility. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Dissociation: B

[فَتَحَ هَيْنَ النَّارِ means † He made an opening in the live coals of the fire, that had become compacted; in order that it might burn up well. (See 1 in art. سخو and سخى.)]

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: B2

And عَيْنٌ signifies also † The عَيْن [i. e. eye] of the needle: such as is narrow is termed عَيْنُ صَفِيَّة [in which the latter word is app. a proper name, and, as such and of the fem. gender, imperfectly decl., i. e., in this case, written صَفِيَّةَ]. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: B3

Also, as being likened to the organ [of sight] in form, or appearance, ‡ A [small round hole or] place of perforation in a [leathern water-bag such as is called] مَزَادَة. (TA.) And ‡ Thin circles, or rings, or round places, in a skin, (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA,) which are a fault therein, (Ṣ, TA,) like أَعْيُن [or eyes; or one of such thin circles, &c.]; being likened to the organ [of sight] in form. (TA.) [See 10.] And (Ḳ)A fault, or defect, (Ḳ, TA,) of this description, in a skin. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: B4

And ‡ The small hollow or cavity of the knee; (Ṣ, Ḳ; in [some of] the copies of the latter of which, الرَّكِيَّة is erroneously put for الرُّكْبَة; TA;) likened to the socket of the eye: (TA:) each knee has عَيْنَانِ [i. e. two small hollows or cavities, the articular depressions for the condyles of the femur], in the fore part thereof, at [the joint of] the سَاق. (Ṣ, TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: B5

And ‡ The piece of skin [or small leathern receptacle] in which are put the بُنْدُق [or bullets] (Ḳ, TA) that are shot from the قَوْس [app. meaning the large kind of cross-bow, called balista, or ballista]: (Ḳ,* TA:) likened to the organ [of sight] in form. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: B6

[In the B, accord. to the TA, it is also expl. as meaning the سنام: but this, I think, is most probably a mistranscription for سَام (q. v.) as signifying † The hollow, or cavity, in the ground, thus called, in which water remains, or stagnates, and collects.] And ‡ The place [or aperture] whence the water of a قَنَاة [i. e. pipe, or the like,] pours forth: (Ḳ, TA:) as being likened to the organ [of sight] because of the water that is in it. (TA.) And, (Ḳ, TA,) for the same reason, (TA,) ‡ The place whence issues the water of a well. (TA.) And, (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ, &c.,) for the same reason, as is said by Er-Rághib, (TA,) ‡ The عَيْن, (Ṣ, Mṣb,) or source, or spring, (Ḳ, TA,) of water, (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ, TA,) that wells forth from the earth, or ground, and runs: (TA:) [and accord. to the Mṣb, it app. signifies a running spring:] of the fem. gender: (TA:) pl. عُيُونٌ and أَعْيُنٌ, (Mṣb, Ḳ,) and accord. to ISk, sometimes the Arabs said, as a pl. thereof, أَعْيَانٌ, but this is rare. (Mṣb.) Hence a saying, in a trad., cited and expl. voce سَاهِرٌ. (TA.) Also † Abundance of water of a well. (TA.) And A drop of water. (TA.) عَيْنُ المَآءِ, [originally signifying “the source of water,”] accord. to Th, means † Life for men; thus in the following verse:

* أُولَائِكَ عَيْنُ المَآءِ فِيهِمْ وَعِنْدَهُمْ *
* مِنَ الخِيفَةِ المَنْجَاةُ وَالمُتَحَوَّلُ *

[Those, life for men is among them; and with them are the means of safety, and the place of removal, from fear]: accord. to the A, عَيْنُ المَآءِ فِيهِمْ means good, or means of attaining good, and provision of corn, or abundance of the produce of the earth, are among them. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: B7

Also † The عَيْن [meaning eye, or bud, (thus called in the present day,)] of a tree. (Es-Subkee, TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: B8

[And ‡ Sprouting herbage; as being likened to the eye or eyes:] one says, نَظَرَتِ البِلَادُ بِعَيْنٍ or بِعَيْنَيْنِ [lit. ‡ The lands looked with an eye or with two eyes], meaning, had their herbage come forth: (Ḳ:) or it is said when their herbage comes forth: or, as in the A, when that which cattle depasture comes forth without [as yet] becoming firm [in the ground, or firmly rooted]: taken from the saying of the Arabs, إِذَا سَقَطَتِ الجَبْهَةُ نَظَرَتِ الأَرْضُ بِإِحْدَى عَيْنَيْهَا فَإِذَا سَقَطَتِ الصَّرْفَةُ نَظَرَتْ بِهِمَا جَمِيعًا[lit. When El-Jebheh (the 10th Mansion of the Moon) sets aurorally (i. e. about the 11th of Feb., O. Ṣ.), the land looks with one of its eyes; the, when Es-Sarfeh (the 12th Mansion) sets aurorally (about the 9th of March), it looks with both of them]. (TA. [See also art. نظر.])

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Dissociation: C

عَيْنٌ also, (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ, &c.,) as being likened to the organ of sight, (TA,) signifies ‡ A spy; andذُو العُيَيْنَتَيْنِ↓ [in the CK ذُو العَيْنَتَيْنِ], in like manner, signifies the spy, (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA,) andذُو العُوَيْنَتَيْنِ↓ likewise, and ذُو العَيْنَيْنِ: (TA:) he who looks for a people, or party: (M, TA:) the watcher, or observer; (Ṣ,* Ḳ,* TA;) or the scout: (Ṣ,* Mṣb, Ḳ,* TA:) masc. and fem.: (M, TA:) accord. to the opinion of ISd, made by some to accord with a part [i. e. the eye], and therefore fem.; and by some, to accord with the whole [person], and therefore masc.: (TA:) pl. عُيُونٌ and أَعْيُنٌ, and, accord. to ISk, sometimes أَعْيَانٌ. (Mṣb.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: C2

And i. q. مُكَاشِفٌ [app. as meaning † A discoverer, or revealer, of tidings, &c.]. (Es-Subkee, TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Dissociation: D

[And † An eye as meaning a look, i. e. an act of looking: and hence, a stroke of an evil eye: or, simply, an evil eye: a meaning of frequent occurrence.] أَصَابَتْ فُلَانًا عَيْنٌ[An evil eye smote such a one] is said of a person when an enemy or an envier has looked at him and produced such an effect upon him that he has fallen sick in consequence thereof (TA.) [عَيْنُ الكَمَالِ is applied to an eye believed to have the power of killing by its glance: see an ex. voce فَقَأَ.]

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: D2

And † Sight with the eye [or before the eyes; or ocular view]: thus in the saying, لَا أَطْلُبُ أَثَرًا بَعْدَ عَيْنٍ[I will not seek a trace, or vestige, (or, as we rather say in English, a shadow,) after an ocular view]: (Ṣ, TA:) or the meaning is, after suffering a reality, or substance, to escape me: (Ḥar pp. 120 and 174: [this latter rendering being agreeable with explanations of عَيْنٌ which will be found in a later part of this paragraph:]) i. e. I will not leave the thing when I see it ocularly, and seek the trace or vestige, thereof, after its [the thing's] disappearing from me: and the origin of it was the fact that a man saw the slayer of his brother, and when he desired to slay him, he [the latter] said, “I will ransom myself with a hundred she-camels;” whereupon he [the other] said, لَسْتُ أَطْلُبُ أَثَرًا بَعْدَ عَيْنٍ; and slew him: (TA:) it is a prov., thus, or, as some relate it, لَا تَطْلُبْ. (Ḥar p. 120.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: D3

And † Look, or view. (Ḳ, TA.) It is said in the Ḳur [xx. 40], وَالتُصْنَعَ عَلَى عَيْنِى, (Ṣ, TA,) and it has been expl. as there having this meaning [i. e. † And this I did that thou mightest be reared and nourished in my view], as in the B; or, as Th says, that thou mightest be reared where I should see thee: (TA:) or the meaning is, † in my watch, or guard, (Bḍ,* Jel,) and my keeping, or protection. (Jel. [It is implied by the context in the Ṣ, that عَلَى عَيْنِى is said in this instance in relation to honouring and protecting, as it is in a phrase mentioned in the first quarter of this paragraph; but my rendering of it there is obviously inapplicable here. See also 1 in art. صنع.]) And in like manner it has been expl. as used in the Ḳur [xi. 39], وَٱصْنَعِ ٱلْفُلْكَ بِأَعْيُنِنَا[And make thou the ark in our view]. (TA.) [In like manner, also,] فَأْتُوا بِهِ عَلَى أَعْيُنِ ٱلنَّاسِ, in the Ḳur [xxi. 62], means عَلَى مَنْظَرِهِمْ[i. e. Then bring ye him in the view of the people; منظر being here evidently an inf. n.]; (B, TA:) or [bring ye him] openly, or conspicuously. (Jel.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Dissociation: E

And † The مَنْظَر [as meaning aspect, or outward appearance], (Ṣ, Ḳ,) and شَاهِد [meaning the same as being an evidence of the intrinsic qualities], (Ṣ,) of a man. (Ṣ, Ḳ.) So in the saying of El-Hajjáj to El-Ḥasan [El-Basree, when he (the former) had asked مَا أَمَدُكَ “What was the time of thy birth?” and the latter had answered (see أَمَدٌ)], لَعَيْنُكَ أَكْبَرُ مِنْ أَمَدِكَ[Verily thy aspect is greater than thy age], أَمَدِكَ meaning سِنِّكَ. (Ṣ.) And it is said in a prov.,

* إِنَّ الجَوَادَ عَيْنُهُ فُرَارُهُ *

[Verily the fleet and excellent horse, his aspect is (equivalent to) the examination of his teeth]: (Ṣ, TA: [accord. to the latter, عَيْنُهُ meaning شَاهِدُهُ:]) i. e. his external appearance renders it needless for thee to try him and to examine his teeth. (Ṣ and Ḳ in art. فر, q. v.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Dissociation: F

Also, [by a synecdoche, as when it means “a spy,”]A human being: (Ḳ:) and any one: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) [in which sense, as when it means “a spy,” it may be masc. or fem.:] and human beings: (Ṣ:) or a company [of people]; (Ḳ;) as alsoعَيَنٌ↓: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) and the people of a house or dwelling: (Ḳ:) and soعَيَنٌ↓; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) and the people of a town or country; as alsoعَيَنٌ↓. (Ḳ.) One says, مَا بِهَا عَيْنٌThere is not in it any one; (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA;) [i. e. بِالدَّارِ in the house, or dwelling;] as alsoعَيَنٌ↓, (TA,) andعَائِنٌ↓, (Ṣ, TA,) andعَائِنَةٌ↓: (TA:) and مَا بِهَا عَيْنٌ تَطْرِفُ [virtually meaning the same, but fit. There is not in it an eye twinkling]. (TA.) Andمَا رَأَيْتُ ثَمَّ عَائِنَةً↓ i. e. † [I was not there] a human being. (TA.) And بَلَدٌ قَلِيلُ العَيْنِ[A town, or country,] having few human beings, (Ṣ.) or few people. (TA.)

And † A lord, chief, or chief personage: (Ḳ, TA:) in [some of] the copies of the Ḳ, السدّ or الشدّ is erroneously put for السَّيِّدُ: (TA:) the great, or great and noble, person of a people or party: (Ḳ, TA:) and the head, chief, or commander, of an army: (TA:) the pl. is أَعْيَانٌ: (TA:) which signifies [lords, chiefs, or chief personages:, &c.: and] the eminent, or high-born, or noble, individuals (Ṣ, Mgh, Mṣb, TA) of a people, or party, (Ṣ, Mgh,) or of men; (Mṣb;) and the most excellent persons. (TA.)

Hence, (Mgh, Mṣb,) as pl. of عَيْنٌ, (Ḳ,) أَعْيَانٌ signifies also ا Brothers from the same father and mother: (Ṣ, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ:) this brotherhood is termed مُعَايَنَةٌ↓: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) and أَوْلَادُ الأَعْيَانِ means the sons of the same father and mother. (Mṣb in art. عل. [See عَلَّةٌ.])

Also. the sing., † The choice, or best, (Ṣ, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ,) of a thing, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) or of goods, or household-goods, or furniture and utensils, (Mgh, Mṣb, TA,) and of camels, or cattle, or other property, (TA,) and soعِينَةٌ↓, (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA,) of which the pl. is عِيَنٌ, (TA,) like عِيمَةٌ: (Ṣ:) عِينَةُ↓ الخَيْلِ signifies † the fleet and excellent of horses. (Lḥ, TA.) And † Highly prized, in much request, or excellent. (TA.) And, as applied to a deenár, † Outweighing, so that the balance inclines with it. (TA.)

And † i. q. مَالٌ, (Ḳ, TA,) [i. e. Property, or such as consists of camels or cattle,] when of a choice. or of the best, sort. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Dissociation: H

And † Such as is ready, or at hand, (Ḳ, TA,) present, (TA,) or within one's power, or reach, (Ṣ, TA,) of property. (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA.) And † Anything present, or ready, (Ḳ, TA,) found before one. (TA.) You say, بِعْتُهُ عَيْنًا بِعَيْنٍI sold it ready merchandise for ready money. (Mṣb.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: H2

[Hence,]Ready money; cash: or simply money: syn. نَقْدٌ: (T, Mgh, Mṣb, TA:) not عَرْضٌ [q. v.]: (Mgh:) and sometimes, دَرَاهِمُ. (Mṣb.) So in the saying عَيْنٌ غَيْرُ دَيْنِ[Ready money, not debt]. (TA.) And [hence also] one says, اِشْتَرَيْتَ بِالدَّيْنِ أَوْ بِالعَيْنِ[Didst thou buy on credit or with ready money?]. (Mṣb.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: H3

And ا A present gift. (Mgh, TA.) So in the saying (Mgh, TA) of a rájiz (TA) satirizing a man, (Mgh,)

* وَعَيْنُهُ كَالكَالِئِ الضِّمَارِ *

[And his present gift is a thing not hoped for, like the unseen debt of which the payment is deferred by the creditor:] meaning, his present gift is like the absent that is not hoped for. (Mgh, TA.) [And hence, app.,] أَصَابَتْهُ عَيْنٌ مِنْ عُيُونِ ٱللّٰهِ, occurring in a trad., means, خَاصَّةٌ مِنْ خَوَاصِّ ٱللّٰهِ [i. e. † A particular, or special, gift of God betided him]. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: H4

Also † A deenár: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) or deenárs; (Az, TA;) [i. e.] coined gold; (Mgh, Mṣb;*) different from وَرِقٌ [which signifies “coined silver or “dirhems”]. (Mgh.) They said, عَلَيْهِ مِائَةٌ عَيْنًا[On him is incumbent the payment of a hundred deenars]: but properly one should say عَيْنٌ, because it is identical with what precedes it (Sb, TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: H5

And The half of a dánik [app. deducted] from seven deenars: (Ḳ, TA:) mentioned by Az. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: H6

And ‡ Gold, (Ḳ, TA,) in a general sense; as being likened to the organ [of sight], in that the former is the most excellent of the metals, like as the latter is the most excellence of the organs. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Dissociation: I

And ‡ The sun itself; (A, Ḳ, TA;) as being likened to the organ [of sight], because the former is the most noble of the stars, like as the latter is the most noble of the organs. (TA:) or (Ḳ, TA) the عَيْن of the sun; (Ṣ, Mṣb, TA;) i. e. the شُعَاع thereof; (Ḳ, TA,) [meaning its rays, or beams,] upon which the eye will act remain fixed: (TA:) or [more commonly] the عَيْن means the قُرْص [q. v., that is disk] of the sun. (KL.) [Using it in the first of these senses.] one says, طَلَعَتِ العَيْنُ[The sun rose], and غَابَتِ العَيْنُ [The sun set]. (Lḥ, TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Dissociation: J

And † A thing's نَفْس [i. e. its self]; (Ṣ, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ, TA;) and its ذَات [which means the same]; (Ḳ, TA:) and its شَخْص, which means nearly, or rather exactly, the same as its ذات; (TA;) [and likewise a man's person, as does also عِيَانٌ↓, (see exs. in Ḥar pp. 20 and 45,) and the material substance of a thing;] and its أَصْل [as meaning its essence, or constituent substance]: (TA:) pl. أَعْيَانٌ, (Mgh, Mṣb, TA,) not أَعْيُنٌ nor عُيُونٌ. (Mgh, TA.) One says, هُوَ هُوَ عَيْنًا and هُوَ هُوَ بِعَيْنِهِ[It is it itself, or he is he himself]: (Ṣ, TA:) بِ when prefixed to عَيْن, [thus] used as a corroborative, being redundant. (Mughnee in art. بِ.) And لَا آخُذُ إِلَّا دِرْهَمِى بِعَيْنِهِ[I will not take aught save my dirhem itself]. (Ṣ.) And أَخَذْتُ مَالِى بِعَيْنِهِI took my property itself. (Mṣb.) And هذِهِ أَعْيَانُ دَرَاهِمِكَ (Lḥ, TA) and دَرَاهِمُكَ بِأَعْيَانِهَا (Lḥ, Mgh,* Mṣb, TA)[These are thy dirhems themselves]. And هُمْ إِخْوَتُكَ بِأَعْيَانِهِمْ[They are thy brothers themselves]. (Mṣb.) And عَيْنُ الرِّبَا occurs in a trad. as meaning † Usury itself. (TA.) [مَوْضِعٌ بِعَيْنِهِ, a phrase very frequently occurring in the L and TA, &c., means † A certain, or particular, place: and in a similar manner بِعَيْنِهِ is used after the mention of a plant, &c.] One says also جَآءَ بِالأَمْرِ مِنْ عَيْنٍ صَافِيَةٍ i. e. † [He brought forth, brought to light, or declared, the affair] from its very essence. (TA.) And بِالحَقِّ بِعَيْنِهِ means † With truth, clearly and manifestly. (TA.) [In grammar, اِسْمُ عَيْنٍ means † A real substantive; the name of a real thing; also termed اِسْمُ ذَاتٍ; and sometimes termed عَيْنٌ alone: opposed to اِسْمُ مَعْنًى i. e. an ideal substantive.]

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Dissociation: K

عَيْنٌ ثَاقِبَةٌ means † Certain, or sure, news or information. (A and TA in art. ثقب.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Dissociation: L

And العَيْنُ [sometimes] signifies † Knowledge; [or rather sure, or certain, and manifest, knowledge;] which is also termed عَيْنُ اليَقِينِ. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Dissociation: M

And † Might (العِزُّ). (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: M2

And † Health and safety (العَافِيَةُ). (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: M3

And † Thirst; and so الغَيْنُ. (TA in art. غين.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Dissociation: N

And † The صُورَة [which generally means form, or the like: but it has many other significations; one of which is essence, before mentioned as a meaning of عَيْنٌ]. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Dissociation: O

And it signifies also النَّاحِيَةٌ [app. as meaning † The part, or point, towards which one directs himself]: (Ḳ, TA:) or, accord. to some, particularly that of the قِبْلَة [i. e. that towards which one directs his face in prayer]: (TA:) [or] it signifies also the true direction of the قِبْلَة: (Ḳ, TA:) or the part that is on the right of the قِبْلَة of El-'Irák: [whence] one says, نَشَأَتِ السَّحَابَةُ مِنْ قِبَلِ العَيْنِ[The cloud rose from the part on the right of the قبلة of El-'Irák]: (Ṣ: [see also خَسْفٌ:]) or this means, from the direction of the قبلة of El-'Irak; and the Arabs say that this scarcely ever, or never, breaks its promise [of giving rain]: when it rises from the direction of the sea, and then goes northward, one says عَيْنٌ غُدَيْقَةٌ; and this is usually most disposed to rain: (TA:) غُدَيْقَة is a dim. of magnification, meaning abounding with water. (TA in art. غدق.) Also † The clouds (سَحَاب) that have come from the direction of the قِبْلَة: (Ḳ,* TA:) or, from the direction of the قبلة of El-'Irák: or, from the right thereof: (Ḳ, TA:) and it is said in the B to signify [simply] السَّحَابُ [the clouds]; (TA;) and so الغَيْنُ. (TA in art. غين.) And, accord. to Th, مَطَرُ العَيْنِ signifies † The rain that is from the direction of the قِبْلَة: or, from the direction of the قبلة of El-'Irák: or, from the right thereof. (TA.) The saying of the Arabs مُطِرْنَا بِالعَيْنِ[We were, or have been, rained upon by the عين] is allowed by some, but disapproved by others. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: O2

And [hence, app.,]The rain that continues during some days, (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA,) some say five, and some say six, or more, (TA,) without clearing away. (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Dissociation: P

عَيْنٌ signifies also † Usury; syn. رِبًا; (Ḳ, TA; [see also عَيْنُ الرِّبَا above;]) and soعِينَةٌ↓. (TA.) And † An inclining in the balance; (Kh, Mgh, Ḳ, TA;) said to be the case in which one of the two scales thereof outweighs the other: (TA:) one says, فِى المِيزَانِ عَيْنٌ, meaning † In the balance is an unevenness; (Ṣ, TA;) a little inclining in the tongue thereof: and the word is fem. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: P2

And † The tongue [or cock, itself,] of the balance. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: P3

And † A scale of a balance; i. e. either of the two scales thereof. (TA.) Also † A small بَيْت [meaning partition, or part divided from the rest,] in a chest. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: P4

And † A مِحَشَّة [app. meaning a thing in which حَشِيش, or dry herbage, is put]. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: P5

[And † Either half, or one side, of a خُرْج, or pair of saddle-bags.] And A certain bird, (Ḳ, TA,) yellow in the belly, أَخْضَر [generally in a case of this kind meaning of a dingy, or dark, ash-colour or dust-colour] in the back; of the size of the [species of collared turtle-dove called] قُمْرِىّ. (TA.) Also † [The letter ع;] one of the letters of the alphabet, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) of those termed حَلْقِيَّة and مَهْجُورَة. (Ḳ. [See art. ع.])

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: P6

And † The middle [radical letter] of a word [of the triliteral-radical class; the root of such a word being represented by فعل]. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيْنٌ Signification: P7

In the calculation by means of the letters ا, ب, ج, د, &c., it denotes Seventy. (TA.)

عِينٌ / عُيْنٌ

عِينٌ, originally عُيْنٌ, pl. of أَعْيَنُ [q. v.]: (Ṣ, Ḳ:*)

Root: عين - Entry: عِينٌ Dissociation: B

and also, (as a contraction of عُيُنٌ, IB, TA,) pl. of عِيَانٌ: (AA, Ṣ, IB:) [and of عَيُونٌ.]


عَيَنٌ The quality denoted by the epithet أَعْيَنُ [q. v.; i. e. width in the eye;, &c.]; (Ṣ;) and soعِينَةٌ↓. (Lḥ, TA.) [See also 1, last sentence; where both are mentioned as inf. ns.]

Root: عين - Entry: عَيَنٌ Dissociation: B

See also عَيْنٌ, in the third quarter of the paragraph, in four places.

Root: عين - Entry: عَيَنٌ Dissociation: C


Root: عين - Entry: عِينَةٌ Signification: A2

Also The part that surrounds the eye of a ewe; (Ḳ, TA;) like the مَحْجِر of a human being. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عِينَةٌ Signification: A3

And Goodly appearance: so in the saying, هٰذَا ثَوْبُ عِينَةٍ [This is a garment of goodly appearance]. (Ṣ, Ḳ)

Root: عين - Entry: عِينَةٌ Signification: A4

See also عَيْنٌ, latter half, in three places.

Root: عين - Entry: عِينَةٌ Signification: A5

Also i. q. سَلَفٌ [in buying and selling; i. e. Any money, or property, paid in advance, or beforehand, as the price of a commodity for which the seller has become responsible and which one has bought on description: or payment for a commodity to be delivered at a certain future period with something additional to the equivalent of the current price at the time of such payment: or a sort of sale in which the price is paid in advance, and the commodity is withheld, on the condition of description, to a certain future period: but it seems to be in most cases used in one or another of the senses expl. in what here follows]. (Ṣ, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ, TA.) And one says, بَاعَهُ بِعِينَةٍ meaning بِنَسِيْئَةٍ [i. e. He sold it upon credit, for payment at a future time]: (A, Mgh: [see 8:]) or, as some say, [and more commonly,] العِينَةُ is the buying what one has sold for less than that for which one has sold it: andالعَيَنُ↓ signifies the same: (Mgh:) or, accord. to Az, the selling a commodity for a certain price to be paid at a certain period, and then buying it for less than that price with ready money: [see 2, last quarter:] this is unlawful when the buyer makes it a condition with the seller that he shall buy it for a certain price; but when there is no condition between them, it is allowable accord. to Esh-Sháfiʼee, though forbidden by some others; and he used to call it the sister of usury: and the sale of a commodity by the purchaser [thereof upon credit] to other than the seller of it, on the spot (lit. in the sitting-place), is also termed عِينَةٌ; but is lawful by common consent: (Mṣb:) or it is the case of a man's coming to another man to ask of him a loan, which the latter does not desire to grant, coveting profit, which is not to be obtained by a loan, wherefore he says,I will sell to thee this garment for twelve dirhems upon credit, for payment at a certain time, and its value is ten [which thou mayest obtain by selling it for ready money].” (KT: in some copies of which the word thus expl. is [erroneously] written العَيْنِيَّةُ instead of العِينَةُ.) [See also زَرْنَقَةٌ. The word is generally held to be derived from عَيْنٌ as signifying “ready money” or “ready merchandise.”]

Root: عين - Entry: عِينَةٌ Signification: A6

Also The مَادَّة [meaning accession to the strength or forces] of war: (Ḳ,* TA:) used in this sense in a verse of Ibn-Mukbil [in which it is shown to be so used as being likened to the accession, to the quantity of milk, which has collected and become added to that previously left in the udder: see مَادَّةٌ]. (TA.)


عِيَنَةً: see 3.


عَيْنُونٌ A certain plant, found in El-Andalus, that attenuates the humours of the body, when cooked with figs. (TA.)


عِيَانٌ an inf. n. of 3. (Ṣ, Mṣb.)

Root: عين - Entry: عِيَانٌ Signification: A2

[And Clear, evident, manifest, open, or public: thus, by the Pers. word اَشْكَارْ, the KL explains عيان, which, in my copy of that work, is written عَيَان, evidently, I think, a mistranscription for عِيَان, an inf. n. of 3, used in the sense of a pass. part. n., agreeably with a well-known license, lit. meaning ocularly seen: see ضِمَارٌ, under which I have rendered its contrary by “unseen; not apparent.”]

Root: عين - Entry: عِيَانٌ Signification: A3

See also عَيْنٌ, latter half.

Root: عين - Entry: عِيَانٌ Dissociation: B

Also A certain iron thing among the appertenances of the فَدَّان, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) or فَدَان [i. e. plough], this word (فدان) written in the copies of the Ṣ, [as in the Ḳ,] with teshdeed to the د, but, as IB says, it is without teshdeed when signifying the implement with which ploughing is performed: accord. to AA, the لُؤْمَة, i. e. the سِنَّة [or share] with which the earth is ploughed up, is called the عِيَان when it is upon the فَدَان [or plough]: or, accord. to the M, the عِيَان is a ring at the extremity of the لُؤْمَة and the سليب. [app. a mistranscription] and the دُجْرَانِ [two pieces of wood upon which the share is bound]: (TA:) pl. [of pauc.] أَعْيِنَةٌ and [of mult.] عُيُنٌ, with two dammehs; (Ḳ;) or عِينٌ, originally of the measure فُعْلٌ [i. e. عُيْنٌ]; (Ṣ;) accord. to AA, عِينٌ, with kesr only; accord. to IB, عُيُنٌ, with two dammehs, and, when the ى is made quiescent, عِينٌ, not عُيْنٌ. (TA).

Root: عين - Entry: عِيَانٌ Dissociation: C

اِبْنَا عِيَانٍ means Two birds, (Ḳ, TA,) from the flight, or alighting-places, or cries,, &c., of which, the Arabs augur: (TA:) or two lines which are marked upon the ground (Ṣ, Ḳ) by the عَائِف [or augurer], by means of which one augurs, from the flight,, &c., of birds; (Ṣ;) or which are made for the purpose of auguring; (TA;) then the augurer says, اِبْنَىْ عِيَانْ أَسْرِعَا البَيَانْ [O two sons of 'Iyán, hasten ye the manifestations] (Ḳ,* TA: [see 1 in art. خط:]) in the copies of the Ḳ, اِبْنَا is here erroneously put for اِبْنَى or, as some say اِبْنَا عِيانٍ means two well-known diviningarrows: (TA:) and when it is known that the gaming arrow of him who plays therewith wins, one says, جَرَى ٱبْنَا عِيَانٍ [app. meaning The two sons of 'Iyán have hastened. i. e. the two arrows so termed: as seems to be indicated by a verse cited in the L (in which it is followed by the words بِالشِّوَآءِ المُضَهَّبِ with the roast meat not thoroughly cooked), and also by what here fel-lows]: (Ṣ, L, Ḳ. TA:) these [arrows] being called اِبْنَ عِيَانٍ because by means of them the people [playing at the game called المَيْسِر] see the winning and the food [i. e. the hastily cooked flesh of the slaughtered camel]. (L, TA.)


رَجُلٌ عَيُونٌ (Ḳ, TA) andعَيَّانٌ↓ (TA) A man who smites vehemently with the [evil] eye; as alsoمِعْيَانٌ↓: (Ḳ, TA,) pl. [of the first] عينٌ and عُيُنٌ. (Ḳ.)

عُيَيْنَةٌ / العُيَيْنَتَيْنِ / العُوَيْنَتَيْنِ

عُيَيْنَةٌ and ذُو العُيَيْنَتَيْنِ and ذُو العُوَيْنَتَيْنِ: see عَيْنٌ, in the former half of the paragraph.


عَيَّنٌ: see the next paragraph, in two places.


رَجُلٌ عَيِّنٌ A man quick to weep. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَيِّنٌ Signification: A2

And سِقَآءٌ عَيِّنٌ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) andعَيَّنٌ↓, (Ḳ,) the latter less common, and said to be the only instance of an epithet of the measure فَيْعَلٌ with an infirm [medial] radical, or it may be of the measure فَوْعَلٌ or فَوْعَلٌ, and in either of these two cases not without a parallel, (TA,) andمُتَعَيِّنٌ↓, (Ṣ, Ḳ,)A skin, for water, or for milk, having thin circles, or rings, or round places, [likened to eyes,] rendering it faulty: (Ṣ:) or of which the water runs forth: (Lḥ, Ḳ:) or new; (Ḳ;) or thus عَيِّنٌ andعَيَّنٌ↓, in the dial. of Teiyi; and so قِرْبَةٌ عَيِّنٌ in that dial.: the pl. of عيّن applied to a skin is عَيَائِنُ, with hemzeh because the place thereof is near to the end. (TA.)


عَيَّانٌ: see عَيُونٌ.


عَائِنٌ Smiting with the [evil] eye. (Ṣ, TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَائِنٌ Signification: A2

And † Flowing water: (Ṣ:) or so مَآءٌ عَائِنٌ; from عَيْنُ المَآءِ. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَائِنٌ Signification: A3

See also عَيْنٌ, third quarter.


عَائِنَةٌ: see عَيْنٌ, first quarter, in two places:

Root: عين - Entry: عَائِنَةٌ Signification: A2

and again, third quarter, in two places.

Root: عين - Entry: عَائِنَةٌ Signification: A3

One says also, رَأَيْتُ عَائِنَةً مِنْ أَصْحَابِهِ, meaning I saw a party of his companions who saw me. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَائِنَةٌ Signification: A4

And رَأَيْتُهُ بِعَائِنَةِ العِدَا I saw him where the eyes of the enemy were seeing him. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: عَائِنَةٌ Signification: A5

And عَائِنَةُ بَنِى فُلَانٍ The herds, or flocks, or herds and flocks, (أَمْوَال,) and pastors, of the sons of such a one. (Ṣ.)


أَعْيَنُ A man wide in the eye: (Ṣ, Mgh:) or large and wide therein. (Lḥ, TA:) or large in the black of the eye, with width [of the eye itself]: (Ḳ.) fem. عَيْنَآءُ; (Ṣ:) when is applied to a woman as meaning beautiful and wide in the eyes (Mṣb:) pl. عِينٌ, (Ṣ, Mṣb,) originally عُيْنٌ (Ṣ.)

Root: عين - Entry: أَعْيَنُ Signification: A2

Hence. (Ṣ,) عينٌ is an appellation of Wild oxen; (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA:) as an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates: (TA:) and أَعْيَنُ, of the wild bull, (Ṣ, ISd, Ḳ,) which one should not call ثَوْرٌ أَعْيَنُ: (ISd, Ḳ:) and عَيْنَآءُ, of the wild cow: (Ṣ:) and women are likened to these wild animals. (TA,)

Root: عين - Entry: أَعْيَنُ Signification: A3

عَيْنَاءُ also signifies, applied to a sheep or goat (شَاة), Of which the eyes are black one the rest white; and some say, or the converse thereof: in this sense used as an epithet. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: أَعْيَنُ Signification: A4

And ‡ A good or beautiful, word or saying; likened to a woman beautiful and wide on the eyes; (Mṣb;) opposed to عَوْرآءُ. (AHeyth, A and TA in art. عور.)

Root: عين - Entry: أَعْيَنُ Signification: A5

And. applied to a قَافِيَة, i. q. تَافِذَةٌ: (Ḳ) [i. e. accord. to the TḲ. which is followed by Freytag, applied to a rhyme as meaning Having what is termed نَفَاذٌ: (see De Sacy's Ar. Gr., sec, ed., ii. 657) but this explanation may be conjectural; and, if so, the meaning may be † penetrating, or effective, an applied to a verse on an ode].

Root: عين - Entry: أَعْيَنُ Signification: A6

And i. q. خَضْرَآءُ (Ḳ) [accord. to the TḲ as an epithet applied to land, and meaning † Black; likened to the eye of the buffalo; for سَوَاد was sometimes termed by the Arabs خُضْرَة. but this explanation also may be conjectural; and ا rather think that it is so, and that by خَضْرآءِ is here meant † a bucket with which water has been drawn long, so that it has become green or blackish; (see أَخْضرْ,) agreeably with the following explanation, which is immediately subjoined in the Ḳ].

Root: عين - Entry: أَعْيَنُ Signification: A7

And A water-skin (قِرْبَة) ready to become lacerated, or rent, (Ḳ, TA, [see عَيْنٌ,]) and worn out. (TA.)


مَعَانٌ [A place in which one is seen]. One says, القَوْمُ مِنْكَ مَعَانٌ [in which the last word is app. a mistranscription. for بِمَعَانٍ, as in Ḥar p. 22,] The people, or party are [in a place] where thou sees them with thine eye. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: مَعَانٌ Signification: A2

And A place of alighting or abode, (Ḳ, TA,) and one in which one is known to be, (TA.) So in the saying, الكُوفَةُ مَعَانٌ مِنهْا [El-Koofeh is a place of our alighting or abode,, &c.,] (TA.)


مَعِينٌ Smitten with the [evil] eye; as alsoمَعْيُونٌ↓, the complete form: (Ṣ, TA:) or, accord. to Ez-Zejjájee, the former has this meaning, butالمَعْيُونُ↓ means اَلَّذِى فِيهِ عَيْنٌ [in which the last word is probably a mistranscription for عَيْبٌ; so that the meaning is, in whom is a fault, or defect], (L, TA.) A poet says, (Ṣ,) namely, ʼAbbás, (TA,)

* قَدْ كَانَ قَوْمُكَ يَحْسَبُونَكَ سَيِّدًا *
*وَإِخَلُ أِنَّكَ سَيِّدٌ مَعْيُونُ↓ *

[Thy people, or party, used to reckon thee a chief; but I think that them art a chief smitten with the evil eye, or, perhaps, in whom is a fault, or defect]. (Ṣ, TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: مَعِينٌ Signification: A2

مَآءٌ مَعِينٌ andمَعْيُونٌ↓ (Ṣ, Ḳ:)Water of which one has reached the springs, or sources, by digging: (Ṣ:) or water that is apparent (ظَاهِرٌ, for which the CK has ظاهرٌ), (Ḳ, TA,) seen by the eye, (TA,) running upon the surface of the earth: (Ḳ, TA:) Bedr Ibn-’Amir El-Hudhalee says,

*مَآءٌ يُجِمُّ لِحَافِرٍ مَعْيُونِ↓ *

[meaning Water collecting for a digger of which the springs have been reached by digging]; the last word, it as said, being put by him in the gen. case because of the proximity [to a word in that case, agreeably with a poetic license of which there are many exs.], for by rule it should be مَعْيُونٌ, as it is an epithet relating to مآء: but respecting the measure of مَعِينٌ, which IB derives from عَيْنُ المَآءِ. and explain as meaning having the source apparent, there are differences of opinion; some say that it is an instance of مَفْعُولٌ though not having a verb; and some, that of the measure فَعِيلٌ, from المعْنُ signifying the drawing of water. (TA.) In the saying, إِنْ كَانَتِ البَشَرُ مَعِينًا لَا تُنْزَحُ, meaning [If the well be one] having a running spring, [that will not be entirely exhausted,] معينا is made masc. to accord with the word [بئر, which is masc. in form though fem. by usage]; or it is thus because it is imagined to be of the measure فَعِيل, in the sense of the measure مَفْعُول; or because it is for ذَاتَ مَعِينٍ, i. e. [having] water running upon the surface of the earth. (Mgh.) In the Ḳur xxxvii. 44. [and in like manner in lvi. 18.] مَعِين is used as meaning † Wine running upon the surface of the earth, like rivers of water. (Jel.)

Root: عين - Entry: مَعِينٌ Signification: A3

عَيْنٌ مَعْيُونَةٌ↓ means † A spring, or source, having a continued increase of water (Aboo-Saʼeed, TA.)


مُعَيَّنٌ † A garment figured with eyes (Ṣ in art. برج:) or a garment in the figuring of which are small تَرَابِيع [app. meaning quadrangular forms (in the CK تَرْبِيع)] like the eyes of wild animals. (Ḳ.)

Root: عين - Entry: مُعَيَّنٌ Signification: A2

And † A bull having a blackness between his eyes: (Ḳ:) or a bull; so called because of the largeness of his eyes: or so called because having spots of black and white, as though there were eyes upon his skin. (Ḥam p. 293.)

Root: عين - Entry: مُعَيَّنٌ Signification: A3

And † Locusts (جَرَاد) which, when stripped of the integument, are seen to be white and red: mentioned by Az in art. ينع, on the authority of ISh. (TA.)

Root: عين - Entry: مُعَيَّنٌ Dissociation: B

[Also, as pass. part. n. of 2, † Individuated, or particularized; i. e. distinguished from the generality, or aggregate:, &c.: see the verb. Hence] نِيَّةٌ مُعَيَّنَةٌ means [A distinct, particular, or special, purpose; lit.] a purpose made distinct: and it is allowable for one to attribute the action to the purpose, tropically; and thus to say نِيَّةٌ مُعَيِّنَةٌ↓ [A distinguishing purpose], using the act. part. n. (Mṣb.)




مَعْيُونٌ and its fem. {مَعْيُونَةٌ}: see مَعِينٌ, in six places.


مُعْتَانٌ An explorer of a people or party, who is sent before to seek for herbage and water and the places where rain has fallen, (Ḳ, TA, [in the CK, المِعْيانُ is erroneously put for المُعْتَانُ,]) and who searches for news or tidings. (TA.)


مُتَعَيِّنٌ: see عَيِّنٌ.

Indication of Authorities

Lexicological and Grammatical Terms

Lexicologists and Grammarians Cited