Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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عنب عنبر عنبس


عَنْبَرٌ [Ambergris;] a certain odoriferous substance, (Ṣ, O, Mṣb, Ḳ,) well known; (O, Mṣb;) an excrement found in the belly of a certain great fish, [the spermaceti-whale,] which is called by the same name; (Towsheeh, TA;) or an excrement of a certain marine beast; (Ḳ;) or, accord. to Ks, a vegetable [substance found] in the bottom of the sea and driven by the waves to the shores thereof, whence it is taken; (O;) or, (O, Ḳ,) as the physicians say, (O,) it issues from a source in the sea; (O,* Ḳ;) [and there are other opinions respecting its origin, mentioned in the TA; but these I do not add, as it is well known to be an excrement of the spermaceti-whale;] the best kind is the white, and the whitish; next, the blue [or gray]; and the worst, the black: (TA:) the word is masc. and fem., (AA, IAmb, O, Mṣb,) like مِسْكٌ: (IAmb, TA voce ذَكِىٌّ:) MF says that most hold the ن to be augmentative, the measure being فَنْعَلٌ, as it is said to be in the Mṣb. (TA.)

Root: عنبر - Entry: عَنْبَرٌ.1 Signification: A2

[As mentioned above, it signifies also The spermaceti-whale;] a certain great fish; (Mṣb in art. عبر;) a certain marine fish, (Az, O, Ḳ,) the length of which reaches to fifty cubits, called in Pers. پاله [app. a mistranscription for وَالْ: see بَالٌ]: (Az, TA:) shields are made of its skin; (Mgh, O, TA;) and the people of Juddeh have sandals, or shoes, made thereof. (O, TA.)

Root: عنبر - Entry: عَنْبَرٌ.1 Signification: A3

And hence, (O,) A shield (Ṣ, O, Ḳ) made of the skin of the fish above-mentioned: (O, Ḳ:) and some say, coats of defence (دُرُوع). (O.)

Root: عنبر - Entry: عَنْبَرٌ.1 Dissociation: B

Also Saffron. (Ḳ.)

Root: عنبر - Entry: عَنْبَرٌ.1 Signification: B2

And (as some say, TA) [The plant called] وَرْس. (Ḳ.)

Root: عنبر - Entry: عَنْبَرٌ.1 Signification: B3

[Accord. to Forskål (Flora Aegypt. Arab. p. lxiv.) now applied to Gomphrena globosa.]

Root: عنبر - Entry: عَنْبَرٌ.1 Dissociation: C

See also the next paragraph, in two places.


عَنْبَرَةُ The purity of the pedigrees of a people. (Ibn-ʼAbbád, O, Ḳ.) Hence the vulgar say of a thing that is pure, هٰذَا عَنْبَر↓. (TA.)

Root: عنبر - Entry: عَنْبَرَةُ Signification: A2

عَنْبَرَةُ القِدْرِ The onion: (Ḳ:) because it makes [the contents of] the قدر to become savoury. (TA.)

Root: عنبر - Entry: عَنْبَرَةُ Signification: A3

عَنْبَرَةُ الشِّتَآء, (Ks, O, Ḳ, TA,) or, accord. to Kr, it isعَنْبَرُ↓ الشتآءِ, (TA,) The vehemence, or rigour, of winter. (Ks, Kr, O, Ḳ.)


عَنْبَرِىٌّ Of, or belonging to, بَنُو العَنْبَرِ, (O, Ḳ,) or بَلْعُنْبَرِ, (O,) a tribe of تَمِيم, (O,) who were the most skilful people as guides: (O, Ḳ:) hence the proverbial saying, أَنْتَ عَنْبَرِىٌّ بِهٰذَا البَلَدِ [Thou art an 'Amberee in this country, or district]. (O, Ḳ.*)

Indication of Authorities

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