Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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عوط عوف عوق

1. ⇒ عوفعاف

عَافَتِ الطَّيْرُ, (Sh, O, Ḳ,) aor. تَعُوفُ, inf. n. عَوْفٌ, (Sh, O,) The birds circled over a thing, (Sh, O, Ḳ,) or over the water, or over carcasses or corpses: or circled over a thing, going to and fro and not going away, desiring to alight: (Ḳ:) AA says that the medial radical is و; others say that it is ى, as will be shown in art. عيف. (TA.)

Root: عوف - Entry: 1. Dissociation: B

And عَافَ He (a man, TA) kept, or clave, to the trees, or plants, called عَوْف. (O, Ḳ,* TA.)

5. ⇒ تعوّف

تعوّف He (a lion) sought, or sought for or after, the prey, by night. (TA.) [It is used as intrans. and as trans.:] see عَوْفٌ and عُوَافَةٌ.


عَافٌ i. q. سَهْلٌ [A soft tract, or a plain,, &c.]. (O, Ḳ.)


عَوْفٌ A state, condition, or case. (Ṣ, O, Ḳ.) So in the saying, نَعِمَ عَوْفُكَ [May thy state,, &c., be good, or pleasant]. (Ṣ, O.) One says also, أَصْبَحَ فُلَانٌ بِعَوْفِ سَوْءٍ, and بِعَوْفِ خَيْرٍ, meaning [Such a one entered upon the morning, or, simply, became,] in an evil state, and in a good state: or, accord. to some of the lexicologists, one should not say بِعَوْفِ خَيْرٍ, but only شَرٍّ [or سَوْءٍ]. (IDrd, O.)

Root: عوف - Entry: عَوْفٌ Signification: A2

Also Fortune; syn. جَدٌّ and حَظٌّ. (O, Ḳ.) And so, accord. to some, in the saying, نَعِمَ عَوْفُكَ [i. e. May thy fortune be good]. (O, TA.)

Root: عوف - Entry: عَوْفٌ Signification: A3

And i. q. طَائِرٌ [as meaning An omen]. (Ḳ, TA.) And thus it is said to signify in the form of prayer above mentioned: (TA:) [for,] as some say, the meaning is, نَعِمَ طَيْرُكَ [May thy omen be good]. (O, TA.)

Root: عوف - Entry: عَوْفٌ Signification: A4

And The ذَكَر. (O, Ḳ.) One says to a man on the morning after his first going in to his wife, نَعِمَ عَوْفُكَ, meaning thereby the ذَكَر [i. e. May thy ذكر be in a good state]. (O, TA.) AʼObeyd says, Some men used to explain (يَتَأَوَّلُ [for which يَتَنَاوَلُ is erroneously put in the O]) العَوْف as the فَرْج [meaning the ذَكَر], and I mentioned it to AA, and he disapproved it: (Ṣ, O, TA:) but a verse has been cited in which عَوْفِى [certainly] means ذَكَرِى. (TA.)

Root: عوف - Entry: عَوْفٌ Signification: A5

And A guest. (Lth, O, Ḳ.) And thus it has been expl. as used in the saying, نَعِمَ عَوْفُكَ. (O,* TA.)

Root: عوف - Entry: عَوْفٌ Signification: A6

And The cock. (O, Ḳ.)

Root: عوف - Entry: عَوْفٌ Signification: A7

And The lion: because he seeks his prey (يَتَعَوَّفُ↓) by night. (O, Ḳ.)

Root: عوف - Entry: عَوْفٌ Signification: A8

And The wolf. (O, Ḳ.)

Root: عوف - Entry: عَوْفٌ Signification: A9

And One who toils, or seeks the means of subsistence, for his household, or family. (IAạr, O, Ḳ.)

Root: عوف - Entry: عَوْفٌ Signification: A10

And A certain idol. (O, Ḳ.)

Root: عوف - Entry: عَوْفٌ Signification: A11

And A species of trees; (O;) or a species of plants, (AḤn, O, Ḳ,) of the plants of the desert, (AḤn, O,) of sweet odour. (AḤn, O, Ḳ.)

Root: عوف - Entry: عَوْفٌ Signification: A12

أُمُّ عَوْفٍ The جَرَادَة, (Ṣ, O,) [i. e.] the female of the جَرَاد [or locust]. (Ḳ.) And أَبُو عَوْفٍ The جَرَاد [meaning the male locust]. (Az, O, Ḳ.)

Root: عوف - Entry: عَوْفٌ Dissociation: B

Also (i. e. عَوْفٌ) a good manner of tending or pasturing [cattle]: (O, Ḳ:) [or rather, simply,] the tending or pasturing [cattle]: so in the saying, إِنَّهُ لَحَسَنُ العَوْفِ فِى إِبِلِهِ [Verily he is one who has a good quality of tending, or pasturing, in respect of his camels]. (TA.)


عُوَافٌ: see عُوَافَةٌ.


أُمُّ عُوَيْفٍ A small creeping thing (دُوَيَّبَةٌ), other than the جَرَادَة [which is termed أُمُّ عَوْفٍ]. (TA.)

Root: عوف - Entry: عُوَيْفٍ Signification: A2

And, accord. to AḤát, أَبُو عَوْفٍ A species of the [beetles called] جِعْلَان [pl. of جُعَلٌ]: it is a small creeping thing (دُوَيْبَّة), dust-coloured, that excavates with its tail and with its two horns, and [then] never appears. (TA.)


عُوَافَةٌ (O, Ḳ) andعُوَافٌ↓ (Ḳ) The prey which the lion seeks (مَا يَتَعَوَّفُهُ↓ الأَسَدُ) by night, and which he devours. (O, Ḳ.)

Root: عوف - Entry: عُوَافَةٌ Signification: A2

And (both words, Ḳ) A thing that becomes, or has become, an acquisition of any one (O, Ḳ, TA) by night. (TA.)

Indication of Authorities

Lexicological and Grammatical Terms

Lexicologists and Grammarians Cited