Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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عقو عقى عك

1. ⇒ عقى

عَقَى الأَمْرَ, aor. يَعْقِى: see 1 in art. عقو.

Root: عقى - Entry: 1. Dissociation: B

عَقَى, aor. as above, inf. n. عَقْىٌ, said of an infant, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) He voided his عِقْى; (Ḳ;) [i. e.] he voided his ordure for the first time, and, after that, while he was a youngling. (Ṣ.) It is said in a trad. of I’Ab, that when a child once suckled by a woman voids his عِقْى, she and her children become, to him, within the prohibited degrees of marriage, because it is known thereby that the milk has entered his belly. (TA.)

Root: عقى - Entry: 1. Dissociation: C

مَا أَدْرِى مِنْ أَيْنَ عُقِيتَ andٱعْتُقِيتَ↓ mean I know not whence thou camest, or hast come. (Ḳ,* TA.)

2. ⇒ عقّى

عقّى He (a bird) rose high in his flight. (Ṣ, Ḳ.)

Root: عقى - Entry: 2. Signification: A2

And عَقَّتِ الدَّلْوُ The bucket rose in the well turning round. (TA in art. عقو.) [See also 1, (last sentence,) in art. عق.]

Root: عقى - Entry: 2. Signification: A3

And عقّى بِسَهْمِهِ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) inf. n. تَعْقِيَةٌ, (Ḳ,) He shot his arrow [up] into the air; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) a dial. var. of عَقَّهُ [or rather of عَقَّ بِهِ]. (Ṣ.) The Hudhalee, (Ṣ,) El-Mutanakhkhil, (TA,) or Aboo-Dhu-eyb, (L in art. وضح,) says,

* عَقَّوْا بِسَهْمٍ فَلمْ يَشْعُرْ بِهِ أَحَدٌ *
* ثُمَّ ٱسْتَفَاؤُوا وَقَالُوا حَبَّذَا الوَضَحُ *

[They shot an arrow towards the sky, and no one knew of it: then they returned, and said, An excellent thing is milk]; (Ṣ, TA;) meaning, “we would rather have milk than the blood of him who killed our companion;” preferring that camels should be given them as a compensation: (L in art. وضح:) it is related [thus] with fet-ḥ to the doubled ق, so that its place is here; and also with damm thereto, so that its place is art. عق, in which it has been mentioned. (TA. [See a similar verse cited voce عَقَّ, and the explanation thereof, there preceding that verse.])

Root: عقى - Entry: 2. Dissociation: B

And عقّاهُ, inf. n. as above, He gave him to drink [or to swallow] what would cause his عِقْى [q. v.] to pass forth, (Ḳ, TA,) or honey in order that it might have that effect. (TA.)

4. ⇒ اعقى

اعقى It was, or became, bitter, (Ḳ,) or intensely bitter. (Ṣ, Ḳ.)

Root: عقى - Entry: 4. Signification: A2

And اعقاهُ He removed it from his mouth because of its bitterness: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) like as one says أَشْكَيْتُهُ meaning “I removed him from that of which he complained,” (Ṣ, TA,) [or “I removed from him that of which he complained,”] the hemzeh having a privative effect. (TA.) It is said in a prov., لَا تَكُنْ حُلْوًا فَتُسْتَرَطَ وَلَا مُرًّا فَتُعْقَى, (Ṣ, TA,) or فَتُعْقِىَ, accord. to different relaters. (TA. [See 1 in art. سرط, where both these readings are expl., and where the reading فَتُسْرَطَ is given instead of فَتُسْتَرَطَ.])

8. ⇒ اعتقى

see 1, last sentence.


عِقْىٌ What comes forth from the belly of the child (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ) before he eats, (Ṣ,) or when he is born, (Mṣb, Ḳ,) black and viscous as though it were glue; (Mṣb;) and likewise from the mare's foal, and the young ass, and the young camel, and the kid; (ISd, TA;) or what comes forth from the lamb or kid, and the mare's foal, is called رَدَجٌ: (Ṣ, TA:) and Az states that it is said to be what comes forth from the belly of the fœtus, inclosed in the [membrane called] حُوَلَآء [q. v.]; a thing [or substance] that comes forth from its anus while it is in the belly of its mother, part of it black and part of it yellow: (TA:) pl. أَعْقَآءٌ. (Az, Ḳ, TA.) أَحْرَصُ مِنْ كَلْبٍ عَلَى عِقْىِ صَبِىٍّ is a prov. [meaning More eager than a dog for the feces of a young child]. (Ṣ.)

Root: عقى - Entry: عِقْىٌ Signification: A2

Also A youngling, or young infant: whence the saying of Z, فُلَانٌ لَهُ عِقْيَانِ وَلَيْسَ عِنْدَهُ العِقْيَانُ↓ i. e. Such a one has two younglings, or young infants, but gold is not in his possession. (TA.)


عِقْيَانٌ Gold: (KL:) or pure gold: (Ṣ, TA:) or gold that grows, [meaning native gold,] (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA,) not such as is produced from the stones, (Ṣ, TA,) or, as in the M and A, not such as is educed, by melting, from the stones: the ا and ن are augmentative. (TA.) See an ex. in the latter sentence of the next preceding paragraph.


أَعْقَى [More, and most, intensely, or nauseously, bitter]. (AḤn, TA voce شَيْلَمٌ.)


مُعَقٍّ Circling over a thing, aloft, like the eagle. (Ḳ, TA: mentioned in the former in art. عقو.)

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