Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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فسو فش فشأ

1. ⇒ فشّ

فَشَّ الوَطْبَ, (Ṣ, A, Ḳ,) aor. ـُ {يَفْشُشُ}, inf. n. فَشٌّ, (Ṣ, TA,) He made the wind, (Ṣ, A, Ḳ,) and the butter, (TA,) to come forth from the milk-skin, or butterskin, (Ṣ, A, Ḳ, TA,) by loosing the tie round its mouth. (TA.) And فَشَّ السِّقَآءَ He loosed the tie of the skin, and opened its mouth, after blowing into it, so that the wind came forth from it. (Mgh.) [Hence the prov.,] لأَفُشَّنَّكَ فَشَّ الوَطْبِI will assuredly make thine anger to come forth from thy head, as one makes the wind to come forth from the milk-skin, or butter-skin: said to a man who is angry: (T, Ṣ:) or I will assuredly remove thy boastfulness,, &c.: (TA:) or I will assuredly take away thy pride, and thy vanity, or vain glory, or conceit,, &c.: (Th:) or the meaning is لَأَحْلُبَنَّكَ [I will assuredly mulet thee,, &c.; lit., milk thee]. (Kr.) See also فَشَاشِ.

Root: فش - Entry: 1. Signification: A2

[Hence,] فَشَّ النَّاقَةَ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) aor. as above, (TA,) and so the inf. n., (Ṣ, TA,) He milked the she-camel quickly. (Ṣ, Ḳ.) And فَشَّ الضَّرْعَ He exhausted all the milk of the udder. (TA.)

Root: فش - Entry: 1. Signification: A3

[Hence also, فَشَّ الوَرَمَ It (a medicament) caused the swelling, or tumour, to subside.] (See also 7.)

Root: فش - Entry: 1. Signification: A4

And فَشَّ القُفْلَ, (IḲṭṭ, L,) or البَابَ, (Mgh, Mṣb,)) [aor. ـُ {يَفْشُشُ},] inf. n. فَشٌّ, (IḲṭṭ, L,) He opened the lock, (IḲṭṭ, L,) or the lock of the door, by artifice, (Mgh, Mṣb,) without a key, (IḲṭṭ, L,) or without its key: (Mṣb:) from فَشَّ السِّقَآءَ. (Mgh.)

Root: فش - Entry: 1. Signification: A5

And accord to Lth, (O,) الفَشُّ signifies تَتَبُّعُ السَّرِقَةِ الدُّونِ [app. meaning The seeking repeatedly, or in a leisurely manner, after pilfering, or petty theft]: (O, Mṣb, Ḳ:) it is the inf. n. of فَشَّهُ, aor. ـُ {يَفْشُشُ}: (O, Mṣb:) and Lth, (O,) or Az, (Mṣb,) cites as an ex.,

* نَحْنُ وَلِينَاهُ فَلَا نَفُشُّهُ *

[which seems to mean We have had charge of it, and we will not seek repeatedly, or in a leisurely manner, bit by bit, after pilfering from it]. (O, Mṣb.)

Root: فش - Entry: 1. Signification: A6

And فَشَّ, aor. ـُ {يَفْشُشُ}, inf. n. فَشٌّ, He compressed a woman. (IḲṭṭ, TA.)

Root: فش - Entry: 1. Signification: A7

And He ate; as a trans. verb. (TA.)

Root: فش - Entry: 1. Signification: A8

And فَشَّ الرَّجُلُ, (Ṣ, O, Ḳ,) aor. ـُ {يَفْشُشُ}, (O,) [inf. n. فَشٌّ,] The man eructed, or belched. (Ṣ, O, Ḳ. [A meaning assigned by Freytag to 4 also, as on the authority of the Ṣ, in which I find it assigned to فَشَّ only.])

Root: فش - Entry: 1. Signification: A9

And الفَشُّ also signifies The blowing gently, or softly. (TA.)

Root: فش - Entry: 1. Signification: A10

And The breaking wind gently, or softly. (IAạr, TA.)

Root: فش - Entry: 1. Signification: A11

And The uttering calumny; (O, Ḳ;) thus accord. to IAạr, with ف, (O,) بَيْنَ النَّاسِ [among the people]. (TḲ.)

Root: فش - Entry: 1. Signification: A12

And فَشَّ القَوْمُ, inf. n. فُشُوشٌ, The people, or party, became in good condition, or fat, after leanness: mentioned here, and also in art. قش, in the L. (TA.)

Root: فش - Entry: 1. Signification: A13

And فَشَّ is syn. with فَاشَ as meaning He gloried, or boasted, and magnified himself, imagining [in himself] what he did not possess. (TA in art. فيش.)

4. ⇒ افشّ

افشّ القَوْمُ The people, or party, went away, and fled quickly: and so with ق. (TA.)

7. ⇒ انفشّ

انفشّتِ الرِّيَاحُ The blasts of wind came forth from the skin, (Ṣ, Mgh,*) on its being felt, (Mgh,) and from the like thereof. (Ṣ.)

Root: فش - Entry: 7. Signification: A2

انفشّ اللَّبَنُ The milk flowed forth by reason of the wideness of the orifice of the teat. (TA.)

Root: فش - Entry: 7. Signification: A3

انفشّ الجُرْحُ [and الوَرَمُ, and likewise فَشَّ↓ accord. to modern usage,] The wound [and the swelling or tumour] ceased to swell, or be inflated. (ISk, Ṣ)

Root: فش - Entry: 7. Signification: A4

انفٰشّ عَنِ الأَمْرِ He (a man) became remiss and indolent in the affair: (Ṣ:) he turned back from it through weakness and impotence; like تفيّش. (TA in art. فيش.)

Root: فش - Entry: 7. Signification: A5

And انفشّ He was, or became, cowardly; weak-hearted. (TA.)

R. Q. 1. ⇒ فشفش

فَشْفَشَ, (Ḳ,) inf. n. فَشْفَشَةٌ, (Fr, O,) He was, or became, weak in judgment. (Fr, O, Ḳ.)

Root: فش - Entry: R. Q. 1. Signification: A2

And He was, or became, extravagant, immoderate, or excessive, in lying: (IDrd, O, Ḳ:) or so فشفش فِى قَوْلِهِ. (TA.)

Root: فش - Entry: R. Q. 1. Signification: A3

And فشفش بِبَوْلِهِ He sprinkled his urine; (IDrd, O, Ḳ;) as also شَفْشَفَ. (IDrd, O.)


فَشٌّ The fruit of the يَنْبُوت [q. v., a kind of trees, of which one species is said to be also called خَرُّوب; but see the next sentence]; (Ṣ, O, Ḳ;) not mentioned by AḤn in the Book of Plants: (O, TA:) n. un. فَشَّةٌ: and pl. فِشَاشٌ. (TA.)

Root: فش - Entry: فَشٌّ Signification: A2

And The [species of trees called] خَرُّوب [which name is now commonly applied to the carob, or locust-tree; ceratonia siliqua]; as alsoفَشُوشٌ↓, (O, Ḳ,) andفَشْفَشَةٌ↓, (TA as from the Ḳ, but not in the CK nor in my MṢ. copy of the Ḳ,) or this last signifies a خَرُّوبَة [n. un. of خَرُّوبٌ], accord. to AA. (O.)

Root: فش - Entry: فَشٌّ Dissociation: B

Also Foolish, or stupid. (IAạr, O, Ḳ.)

Root: فش - Entry: فَشٌّ Dissociation: C

And Places in which water collects and remains: and a depressed piece of ground into which water pours and where it remains: (O, Ḳ:) so says Ibn-ʼAbbád: [but] ISh says that هَجْلٌ فَشٌّ means [a wide, depressed, piece of ground,] such as is not very deep. (O.)

Root: فش - Entry: فَشٌّ Dissociation: D

Also, andفَشُوشٌ↓, andفَشْفَاشٌ↓, [this last said in the TA to be written by Ṣgh with kesr, but it is not so in the O,] A [garment of the kind called] كِسَآء such as is thick (IAạr, O, Ḳ, TA) in texture, (TA,) fine in the yarn; (IAạr, O, Ḳ, TA;) called by the vulgar فَشَّاشٌ↓; (O; in the TA فِشّاش;) or, as some say, فَشَّاشٌ↓ signifies a thick كسآء; andفَشُوشٌ↓, a thin, or flimsy, كسآء, such as is scanty in the yarn. (TA.)


فَشَاشِ, like قَطَامِ, [indecl.,] meansالفَاشَّةُ↓ [i. e. She who makes the wind to come forth from a skin, by loosing the tie round its mouth: in the TA expl. only as signifying الضَّرُوطُ عِنْدَالجِمَاعِ, which may be a secondary meaning, but is not the meaning in what here follows]. (O, Ḳ.) فَشَاشِ فُشِّيهِ↓ مِنِ ٱسْتِهِ إِلَى فِيهِ [lit. O woman discharging the confined wind of the skin, discharge thou its confined wind, from its anus to its mouth, i. e., from end to end], (Meyd, O, Ḳ,) which is a prov., (Meyd, O,) means † [O woman] do thou with it, or him, what thou wilt, for it, or he, has no means of self-defence (Meyd, O, L, Ḳ) nor of becoming altered; and it is said in relation to an angry man who is not able to become altered: (L:) الفَشُّ is the making the wind to come forth from a وَطْب. (Meyd.)


فِشَاشٌ: see the next paragraph.


فَشُوشٌ A female slave who emits noiseless wind from the anus; as also فَاشّاء [an evident mistranscription forفَاشَّةٌ↓]: (IAạr, in TA:) [or] a woman from whom wind issues on the occasion of الجِمَاع: (IDrd, O, Ḳ, TA:) or, accord. to the Ḳ, applied to a woman, sonum submissum genitalibus edens in congressu: and also, applied to a man, who glories, or boasts, vainly: but these two explanations are there wrongly assigned: (TA:) the former of them applies to نَجَّاخَة; and the latter, to فَيُوش; two epithets occurring, with فَشُوش, in a verse of Ru-beh. (O, TA.)

Root: فش - Entry: فَشُوشٌ Signification: A2

And, applied to a woman, i. q. خَلَّابَةٌ [i. e. Very deceitful]: (O, CK, TA:) thus correctly, with خ: in some copies of the Ḳ with ح; and in others, with ج. (TA.)

Root: فش - Entry: فَشُوشٌ Signification: A3

And A woman who sits upon the جُرْدَان. (TA.)

Root: فش - Entry: فَشُوشٌ Dissociation: B

Also, (O, Ḳ,) applied to a she-camel, (Ṣ, O, TA,) and to a ewe, or she-goat, (O, TA,) it signifies مُنْتَشِرَةُ الشُّخْبِ, (Ṣ, O, Ḳ, TA,) meaning Whose milk flows forth without its being drawn, by reason of the wideness of the orifice of the teat: or whose milk flows forth in separate jets, like the rays of the rising sun, into the vessel, so as not to make froth: andفِشَاشٌ↓ signifies the quality, or state, that is denoted by this epithet thus applied. (TA.)

Root: فش - Entry: فَشُوشٌ Signification: B2

And A skin, such as is used for water or milk, that sweats, or exudes moisture. (O, Ḳ.)

Root: فش - Entry: فَشُوشٌ Dissociation: C

See also فَشٌّ, in three places.


فَشِيشٌ The sound of a gentle emission of wind from the anus. (TA.)

Root: فش - Entry: فَشِيشٌ Signification: A2

And The sound of the skin of a viper when it moves along upon a dry, or rigid, substance. (TA.)


فَشَّاشٌ One who opens locks by artifice, (Mgh, Mṣb,) without their keys. (Mṣb.)

Root: فش - Entry: فَشَّاشٌ Dissociation: B

See also فَشٌّ, last sentence, in two places.



فَشْفَشَةٌ: see فَشٌّ, second sentence.


فَشْفَاشٌ A man who inflates himself with lying, and arrogates to himself that which belongs to another. (TA.)

Root: فش - Entry: فَشْفَاشٌ Dissociation: B

See also فَشٌّ, last sentence.


مُنْفَشُّ المَنْخِرَيْنِ A man inflated in the nostrils, with shortness and expansion of the cartilaginous portion of the nose, which are characteristics of the noses of the Zenj. (TA.)

Indication of Authorities

Lexicological and Grammatical Terms

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