Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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جأب جاثليق جأر


[جَاثَلِيقٌ an arabicized word, from the Greek καθολικὸς, The catholicos; i. e.] the primate of the Christians in the country of El-Islám, [residing] in the [chief] city of El-Islám: under him is the بِطْرِيق [or بِطْرِيك, or بَطْرَك, i. e. patriarch] of Antioch: then, under him, is the مَطْرَان [or metropolitan]; under whom is the أُسْقُفّ [or bishop], in every province: then, the قِسِّيس [or priest]: then, the شَمَّاس [or deacon]: (Ḳ:) accord. to Ṣgh, a judge, or ruler: in the Tekmileh, a wise man, or sage. (TA.) ج and ق do not occur in any one word, unless it is arabicized or a word imitative of a sound: (Ṣ and Ḳ * at the beginning of the section in which this word is mentioned:) accord. to El-Jawáleeḳee, they do not occur in any Arabic word unless separated, as in جَلَوْبَقٌ and جَرَنْدَقٌ: accord. to Lth, they occur in many words, most of which are arabicized. (TA ib.)

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Lexicological and Grammatical Terms

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