Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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زوغ زوق زول

2. ⇒ زوّق

زوّقهُ, (O, Mṣb, TA,) inf. n. تَزْوِيقٌ, (Mṣb, Ḳ,) [seems to signify primarily He washed it over with زَاوُوق, i. e. quicksilver; he silvered it therewith.] One says, زوّق الدَّرَاهِمَ [He washed over the dirhems with quicksilver]; from الزَّاوُوقُ. (MA.)

Root: زوق - Entry: 2. Signification: A2

[Then, He gilded it with an amalgam of quicksilver and gold: see زَاوُوقٌ.]

Root: زوق - Entry: 2. Signification: A3

[And hence,] He decorated it, and embellished it; namely, a thing [of any kind: and particularly he painted it]: but IF says that زوّقهُ, meaning thus, is without foundation; that they say it is from الزَّوُوقُ meaning الزِئْبَقُ; [as it is said to be in the Ḳ;] but that this is [mere] assertion. (O, TA.) [Whether properly or improperly, however,] one says, زَوَّقَ البَيْتَ بِالزَّاوُوقِ, i. e. He decorated the house, or chamber, [perhaps meaning the House of God, at Mekkeh, i. e. the Kaabeh, as appears to be probable from what here follows,] and changed its colour and its fashion or semblance, with زاووق, i. e. زئبق. (Ḥar p. 107.) And it is related in a trad. that he [Moḥammad] said to Ibn-ʼOmar, إِذَا رَأَيْتَ قُرَيْشًا قَدْ هَدَمُوا البَيْتَ ثُمَّ بَنَوْهُ فَزَوَّقُوهُ فَإِنِ ٱسْتَطَعْتَ المَوْتَ فَمُتْ [When thou seest Kureysh shall have demolished the House of God, then built it again, and decorated it, if thou be able to die, then die]: he disliked the تَزْوِيق of mosques because of its inducing desire for the things of the present world, and its finery, or because of its diverting the person praying. (TA.)

Root: زوق - Entry: 2. Signification: A4

One says also, (TA,) زَوَّقْتُ الكَلَامَ, and الكِتَابَ, † I embellished the speech, or language, and the writing, or book; and ‡ I rectified, or corrected, it. (Ṣ, TA.) And زَوَّرَ فُلَانٌ كِتَابَهُ and زَوَّقَهُ both mean ‡ Such a one rectified, or corrected, his writing, or book. (TA.)

Root: زوق - Entry: 2. Signification: A5

And زَوَّقُوا الجَارِيَةَ They embellished the girl, or young woman, with نُقُوش [or decorations, app. such as are made by tattooing, or staining with حِنَّآء]: such decoration is termed زَوَاقٌ↓, like سَحَابٌ: and hence, تَزَيَّقِى↓, [Embellish thyself, &c.,] said to a woman; [so that it is originallyتَزَوَّقِى↓;] or this is from زيق, [i. e. زِيقٌ,] with ى. (TA.)

5. ⇒ تزوّق


زُوَقٌ: see زَاوُوقٌ.


زَوَقَةٌ [pl. of زَائِقٌ, act. part. n. of the unused verb زَاقَ,] Decorators, or embellishers, of the ceilings of houses or chambers. (AA, TA.) [See also زَوَّاقٌ.]


زَوَاقٌ: see 2, last sentence.


[زَوَّاقٌ A decorator; an embellisher: and particularly a painter. See also زَوَقَةٌ, above.]


زَاوُوقٌ, (Ṣ, O, Ḳ, [in the CK written زاؤُقْ, as though it were زَاؤُوقٌ, the quiescent و being indicated by the sign of sukoon after the ḍammeh,]) of the dial. of the people of El-Medeeneh, (AA, Ṣ, O,) i. q. زِئْبَقٌ [i. e. Quicksilver]; (AA, Ṣ, O, Ḳ;) as alsoزُوَقٌ↓; (AA, O, Ḳ;) but from what is said by IB, it would seem that this last word is pl. of زَاوُوقٌ: (TA:) it is used in تَزَاوِيق↓ [meaning decorations, or embellishments, pl. of تَزْويقٌ used as a simple subst., or of the n. un. تَزْوِيقَةٌ]; (Ṣ, O;) and hence, [accord. to some,] التَّزْوِيقُ signifying “the act of decorating, and embellishing;” (Ḳ;) for it is put, together with gold, (Ṣ, O, Ḳ,) for overlaying therewith, (Ḳ,) upon iron, (Ṣ, O,) and then it is put into the fire, whereupon the زئبق [or quicksilver] goes from it [by evaporation], and the gold remains: (Ṣ, O, Ḳ:) and hence anything decorated, or embellished, is termed مُزَوَّقٌ↓, (Ṣ, O,) though not having in it زئبق. (Ṣ.)


تَزْوِيقٌ inf. n. of 2. (Mṣb.) [Used as a simple subst., this, or the n. un. تَزْوِيقَةٌ, has for its pl. تَزَاوِيقُ:] see the next preceding paragraph.


مُزَوَّقٌ Washed over with [زَاوُوق or] زِئْبَق [i. e. quicksilver]; applied to a dirhem. (TA.) Decorated therewith (TA) [or with an amalgam of quicksilver and gold subjected to the action of fire so that the quicksilver is evaporated].

Root: زوق - Entry: مُزَوَّقٌ Signification: A2

And hence, (TA,) Anything decorated, or embellished, (Ṣ, O, Mṣb, Ḳ, TA,) though not having in it زِئْبَق. (Ṣ, O.) See زَاوُوقٌ.

Root: زوق - Entry: مُزَوَّقٌ Signification: A3

Also, applied to speech, or language, † Embellished: (Kr, TA:) and applied to a book, or writing, [in the same sense: (see 2:) or] as meaning ‡ rectified, or corrected; like مُزَوَّرٌ. (AZ, TA.)

Indication of Authorities

Lexicological and Grammatical Terms

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