Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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زغل زف زفت

1. ⇒ زفّ

زَفَّ العَرُوسَ, (Ḳ,) or زَفَفْتُهَا, (Ṣ,) or زَفَّتْهَا النِّسَآءُ, (Mṣb,) aor. ـُ {يَزْفُفُ}, (Mṣb, Ḳ,) inf. n. زَفٌّ (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ) and زِفَافٌ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) or the latter is a simple subst.; (Mṣb;) andازفّها↓, (Ḳ,) or ازففتها, (Ṣ,) or ازفّتها النسآء; (Mṣb;) andازدفّها↓, (Ḳ,) or ازدففتها, (Ṣ,) [or ازدفّتها النسآء;] إِلَى زَوْجِهَا; all signify the same; (Ṣ, Mṣb,* Ḳ;) i. e. He, [or I,] or the women, sent [or conducted] the bride [with festive parade or pageantry, and generally with music,] to her husband: (Mṣb, Ḳ:) accord. to Er-Rághib, زفّ العروس is a metaphorical phrase, from زَفْزَفَةُ النَّعَامِ; because she is conducted with joyous alacrity. (TA.)

Root: زف - Entry: 1. Dissociation: B

زَفَّ,, aor. ـِ {يَزْفِفُ}, inf. n. زَفِيفٌ (Ṣ, Ḳ) and زَفٌّ and زُفُوفٌ, (Ḳ,) or زَفِيفٌ is a simple subst., (Mṣb,) said of an ostrich, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) and of a camel, (Ṣ,), &c., (Ḳ,) He hastened, or was quick; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) as alsoازفّ↓: (IAạr, Ḳ:) accord. to Lḥ, said of a man and of others; andازفّ↓, he says, is the more unusual of the two: (TA:) or زَفَّ, aor. ـِ {يَزْفِفُ}, is said, in this sense, of a man: and, accord. to the Mj, said of an ostrich, inf. n. زَفِيفٌ, it means he hastened, or was quick, so that a [sound such as is termed] زَفِيف was heard to be produced by his wings: (Mṣb:) or زَفٌّ andإِزْفَافٌ↓ are like ذَمِيلٌ [which signifies the going a gentle pace; or a pace above that which is termed العَنَقُ, and above that which is termed التَّزَيُّدُ]: (Ḳ,* TA: [in the CK, الزَّمِيل is put for الذَّمِيل:]) or the first running of the ostrich: (Ḳ:) or زَفِيفٌ has this last meaning: (TA:) or signifies the going quickly and with short steps: (Lḥ, TA:) or the going quickly, with short steps, and quietly. (TA.) You say, زَفَّ القَوْمُ فِى مَشْيِهِمْ The people, or party, hastened, or were quick, in their walking, or marching, or going along: and hence, in the Ḳur [xxxvii. 92], فَأَقْبلُوا إِلَيْهِ يَزِفُّونَ, (Ṣ,) i. e. [And they advanced towards him] hastening, or going quickly. (Fr, TA. [But there are other readings, for which see Bḍ.]) [Hence also,] one says زَفَّ رَأْلُهُ, meaning ‡ He was, or became, light of intellect, lightwitted, or irresolute. (Ṣ, Z, TA. [See also art. رأل])

Root: زف - Entry: 1. Signification: B2

زَفَّ, inf. n. زَفِيفٌ (O, Ḳ) and زَفٌّ, (Ḳ,) said of a bird, (O, Ḳ,) in his flight, (O,) He cast himself: (ʼEyn, O, Ḳ:) or he spread his wings: and soزَفْزَفَ↓ [app. in either sense]: (Ḳ:) and the latter, he moved [or flapped] his wings in running. (TA.)

Root: زف - Entry: 1. Signification: B3

زَفَّتِ الرِّيحُ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) aor. ـِ {يَزْفِفُ}, (Ṣ,) inf. n. زَفِيفٌ and زُفُوفٌ, (TA,) The wind blew along, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) not violently: (Ṣ:) or blew gently and continually: (TA:) andزَفْزَفَت↓ signifies the same: (Ḳ, TA:) or the latter, inf. n. زَفْزَفَةٌ, signifies it blew violently: so in the T: or it blew gently: (TA:) or زَفْزَفَةٌ signifies the moaning (حَنِين) of the wind, and its sounding among the trees. (Ṣ.)

Root: زف - Entry: 1. Signification: B4

زَفَّ, (O, Ḳ,) inf. n. زَفِيفٌ, (TA,) said of lightning, It shone, or gleamed. (O, Ḳ, TA.)

4. ⇒ ازفّ

ازفّ, inf. n. إِزْفَافٌ, intrans.: see 1, in three places.

Root: زف - Entry: 4. Dissociation: B

ازفّ العَرُوسَ: see 1, first sentence.

Root: زف - Entry: 4. Signification: B2

ازفّهُ He made him to hasten, or go quickly; (Ṣ, L, Ḳ;) namely, a camel, (Ṣ, L,) and an ostrich. (Ṣ.)

Root: زف - Entry: 4. Signification: B3

[And accord. to Freytag, it occurs in the Deewán el-Hudhaleeyeen as meaning He led him to do light, vain, things.]

8. ⇒ ازتفّازدفّ

ازدفّ العَرُوسَ: see 1, first sentence.

Root: زف - Entry: 8. Signification: A2

ازدفّ الحِمْلَ He carried, took up and carried, or raised upon his back, the load. (Ibn-ʼAbbád, Ḳ.)

10. ⇒ استزفّ

استزفّهُ السَّيْلُ, (Ibn-ʼAbbád, A, O, TA,) thus correctly, but in the copies of the Ḳ السَّيْرُ, (TA,) The torrent found it light to carry (اِسْتَخَفَّهُ, Ibn-ʼAbbád, A, O, Ḳ), and took it away. (Ibn-ʼAbbád, A, O, TA.)

R. Q. 1. ⇒ زفزف

زَفْزَفَ, [inf. n. زَفْزَفَةٌ,] said of a man, He walked in a comely manner. (TA.)

Root: زف - Entry: R. Q. 1. Signification: A2

زَفْزَفَةٌ also signifies The running vehemently. (Ḳ.)

Root: زف - Entry: R. Q. 1. Signification: A3

And A certain manner, or rate, of going, of camels, said to be beyond, or above, what is termed الخَبَبُ. (TA.)

Root: زف - Entry: R. Q. 1. Signification: A4

Said of a bird: see 1, latter part.

Root: زف - Entry: R. Q. 1. Signification: A5

And زَفْزَفَت said of the wind: see, again, 1, latter part. The inf. n. signifies The wind's putting in motion the dry herbage, and making a sound therein: (Ḳ, TA:) you say, of the dry herbage, زَفْزَفَتْهُ الرِّيحُ [The wind put it in motion,, &c.]. (TA.)

Root: زف - Entry: R. Q. 1. Signification: A6

The inf. n. signifies also The noising, or noise-making, of a procession, or company of men riding or walking along. (IDrd, Ḳ.)

Root: زف - Entry: R. Q. 1. Signification: A7

And The sounding of an arrow when it is twirled round upon the nail [of the left thumb: see دَرَّ السَّهْمُ, in art. در]. (TA.)

Root: زف - Entry: R. Q. 1. Signification: A8

It is related in a trad., that the Prophet said to a woman, مَا لَكِ تُزَفْزَفِينَ, (O, Ḳ, TA, in some copies of the Ḳ تُزَفْزِفِينَ,) with damm to the first letter; (Ḳ) to which she replied “The fever, may God not bless it;” and he said “Revile not thou the fever, for it does away with the sins of the sons of Adam like as the blacksmith's skin with which he blows his fire does away with the dross of the iron:” (O, TA:) the meaning is, [What aileth thee] that thou art made to tremble, or quake? (تُرْعَدِينَ: O, Ḳ, TA: in some copies of the Ḳ تُرْعِدِينَ:) [see also مَزْفُوفٌ:] or it is with fet-ḥ to the ت, (O, Ḳ, TA,) i. e. تَزَفْزَفِينَ [for تَتَزَفْزَفينَ, from تَزَفْزَفَتْ↓], (O,) meaning, that thou tremblest, or quakest? (O, Ḳ:) or it is with kesr to the [latter] ز, [تُزَفْزِفِينَ,] meaning, that thou moanest, as does he who is sick: (TA:) or, as some relate it, it is with ر [in the place of the ز, i. e. تُزَفْرِفِينَ, having the second of the meanings expl. above in this sentence, or nearly so]. (Ḳ.)

R. Q. 2. ⇒ زفزف

تَزَفْرَفَتْ: see the next preceding paragraph (R.Q.1), last sentence.


زِفٌّ Small feathers of the ostrich, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) and (Ṣ, in the Ḳ “or”) of a bird (Ṣ, Ḳ) of any kind: (Ḳ:) or small feathers, like down, beneath the thickset feathers: (IDrd, O, TA:) accord. to some, only of the ostrich: (O, TA:) [pl., app., زِفَافٌ: see زَفَازِفُ.] One says أَلْيَنُ مِنْ زِفِّ النَّعَامِ [More soft than the small feathers of the ostrich]. (TA.)


زَفَّةٌA time; one time; syn. مَرَّةٌ: (Ḳ:) one says, جِئْتُهُ زَفَّةً, or زَفَّتَيْنِ, ‡ I came to him once, or twice. (TA.) A single act of زَفِيف [i. e. hastening, or going quickly]. (TA. [This seems to be the primary signification.])


زُفَّةٌ A company, or congregated body, of men. (O, Ḳ.) Hence the saying of the Prophet to Bilál, on the occasion of the marriage of Fátimeh, أَدْخِلِ النَّاسَ عَلَىَّ زُفَّةً زُفَّةً, meaning Bring thou in the people to me company after company. (O, TA.)


زَفَفٌ, in a male ostrich, The quality of having abundant and dense زِفّ, i. e. small feathers. (Ṣ, Ḳ.)


زَفُوفٌ: see زَفْزَفٌ.

Root: زف - Entry: زَفُوفٌ Signification: A2

Hence it is applied to a she-camel, as being likened to an ostrich in her quickness; (TA;) meaning [Quick: or] good in pace, and quick. (Ḥam p. 750.) And الزَّفُوفُ is the name of a certain horse that belonged to Noamán Ibn-El-Mundhir. (O.)

Root: زف - Entry: زَفُوفٌ Signification: A3

Also A twanging bow. (TA.)


زَفِيفٌ (Ṣ, Ḳ) andأَزَفُّ↓ andزِفَّانِىٌّ↓, (Ibn-ʼAbbád, Ḳ,) orزِفَّانٌ↓, without ى, (L, TA,) Quick, (Ibn-ʼAbbád, Ṣ, L, Ḳ,) like ذَفِيفٌ, (Ṣ,) and light. (L, TA. [In the CK the explanation is omitted.])

Root: زف - Entry: زَفِيفٌ Dissociation: B

It is also an inf. n.: (Ṣ, Ḳ, &c.:) or a simple subst. (Mṣb.) [See 1, in several places.]



زِفَّانِىُّ: see the next preceding paragraph.


زَفْزَفٌ andزَفْزَافٌ↓ [the latter of which is omitted in the CK] A wind that blows violently, with continuance; as alsoزَفْزَافَةٌ↓, (Ḳ, TA,) or زَفْزَفَةٌ: (CK:) orزَفْزَافَةٌ↓ and زَفْزَفٌ a wind making a moaning (حَنِين), and sounding among the trees: (Ṣ:) or زَفْزَفٌ a quick, or swift, wind: or زَفْزَفَةٌ andزَفْزَافَةٌ↓ andزَفْزَافٌ↓ a violent wind, having a زَفْزَفَة, i. e. sounding: the pl. of زَفْزَفٌ is زَفَازِفُ. (TA.)

Root: زف - Entry: زَفْزَفٌ Signification: A2

Also, (i. e. the first and second words,) Light [in motion or action]. (Ibn-ʼAbbád, Ḳ.)

Root: زف - Entry: زَفْزَفٌ Signification: A3

And The ostrich; (Ḳ;) so called because of his lightness of pace; or because of his زَفْزَفَة, meaning his moving [or flapping] of his wings when running; (TA;) and soزَفُوفٌ↓. (Ḳ.)

زَفْزَافٌ / زَفْزَافَةٌ

زَفْزَافٌ; and with ة {زَفْزَافَةٌ}: see the next preceding paragraph, in five places.


زَفَازِفُ pl. of زَفْزَفٌ.

Root: زف - Entry: زَفَازِفُ Signification: A2

It is also used by a Hudhalee poet [app. referring to birds] as meaning ذَوَاتُ زِفَافٍ [i. e., supposing زِفَاف to be pl. of زِفٌّ, agreeably with analogy, Having small, downy, feathers]. (TA.)

زَافٌّ / زَافَّةٌ

[زَافٌّ act. part. n. of زَفَّ in the phrase زَفَّ العَرُوسَ: fem. with ة {زَافَّةٌ}: pl. of the latter زَوَافُّ. Hence,] زَحَفَتْ زَوَافُّهَا, a phrase mentioned by Lḥ, meaning اللَّوَاتِىزَفَفْنَهَا [i. e. The women who conducted her to her husband walked along gently]. (TA.)


أَزَفُّ A male ostrich having abundant and dense زِفّ, i. e. small feathers. (Ṣ, Ḳ.)

Root: زف - Entry: أَزَفُّ Signification: A2


مِزَفَّةٌ A [vehicle of the kind called] مِحَفَّةٌ in which, or upon which, the bride is sent [or conducted] to her husband. (Kh, Ṣ, Ḳ.)


[مَزْفُوفٌ pass. part. n. of زَفَّ in a sense not mentioned, and perhaps not used. Hence,] بَاتَ مَزْفُوفًا a phrase meaning بات تُزَفْزِفُهُ الرِّيحُ [i. e. He passed the night made to tremble, or quake, by the wind]. (TA.)

Indication of Authorities

Lexicological and Grammatical Terms

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