Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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طحل طحلب طحم

Q. 1. ⇒ طحلب

طَحْلَبَ المَآءُ, (Ṣ, Ḳ, TA,) inf. n. طَحْلَبَةٌ, (KL,) The water became overspread with the green substance called طُحْلُب: (Ṣ,* TA:) or had much thereof. (Ḳ, TA.)

Root: طحلب - Entry: Q. 1. Signification: A2

And طَحْلَبَتِ الأَرْضُThe land became green with herbage: (Ḳ, TA:) or began to become so: (TA.)

Root: طحلب - Entry: Q. 1. Dissociation: B

طَحْلَبَ الإِبِلَ He sheared the camels. (Ḳ.)

Root: طحلب - Entry: Q. 1. Signification: B2

And طَحْلَبَ فُلَانًا He slew such a one. (Ḳ.)

طُحْلُبٌ / طُحْلُبَةٌ / طُحْلَبٌ / طُحْلَبَةٌ / طِحْلِبٌ / طِحْلِبَةٌ

طُحْلُبٌ and طُحْلَبٌ (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ) and طِحْلِبٌ (Lḥ, M, Ḳ) The green substance, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) or green slimy substance, (Mṣb,) that overspreads water (Ṣ, Mṣb, Ḳ) which has become stale: (Ḳ:) or what is upon water, resembling the web of the spider: n. un. with ة {طُحْلُبَةٌ, طُحْلَبَةٌ and طِحْلِبَةٌ}. (TA.) [See also عَرْمَضٌ.]


مَا عَلَيْهِ طِحْلِبَةٌ There is not upon him a hair. (Ḳ.) [See also طِحْطِحَةٌ.]


عَيْنٌ مُطَحْلِبَةٌ, (Ṣ,) and مَآءٌ مُطَحْلِبٌ (IAạr, Ḳ) and مُطَحْلَبٌ, (Ḳ,) this last anomalous, like مُسْهِبٌ, or originating from the supposition of the verb's being trans., (MF,) A source, (Ṣ,) and water, (Ḳ,) overspread with طُحْلُب, (Ṣ,) or having much thereof. (Ḳ.)

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Lexicological and Grammatical Terms

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