Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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ونب ونى وهب

1. ⇒ ونى

وَنَى فِيهِ He entered upon a thing languidly; and عَنْهُ He passed from it: see عَنْ.

6. ⇒ توانى

تَوَانَى He was, or became, languid, remiss, weak, feeble, or faint, (T, Ṣ, M, MA, Mṣb, Ḳ,*) in actions, and affairs, (T,) in respect of an object of his want, (Ṣ,) or in an affair. (MA, Mṣb.)

Root: ونى - Entry: 6. Signification: A2

تَوَانَى فى الأَمْرِ He flagged, or was remiss, in the affair; (Mṣb;) i. q. قَصَّرَ. (Ṣ.)


وَنَاةٌ A woman languid, or gentle, or grave in deportment,, &c.: see أَنَاةٌ.


مِينَآءٌ A port: see an ex. in a verse cited voce شُحُون: it is masc.; its being a substitute for ى: or it is an ancient Egyptian word in origin.

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