Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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وثر وثق وثم

1. ⇒ وثق

وَثُقَ It was, or became, firm, stable, fast, or strong; (Mṣb;) i. q. أُحْكِمَ (Ṣ, Mgh, Ḳ) [or اِسْتَحْكَمَ, q. v.].

Root: وثق - Entry: 1. Signification: A2

وَثِقَ بِهِ He trusted, or confided, in him. (Ṣ, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ.)

4. ⇒ اوثق

أَوْثَقَهُ He made it firm, stable, fast, or strong. (Mṣb.)

Root: وثق - Entry: 4. Signification: A2

He bound, or tied, him, or it, firmly, fast, or strongly, in a bond. (Ṣ, Ḳ, TḲ.) See شَدَّهُ.

5. ⇒ توثّق

تَوَثَّقَتِ العُقْدَةُ [The knot became firm, or fast]. (A, in art. ارب.)

10. ⇒ استوثق

اِسْتَوْثَقَ مِنْهُ [He secured himself against him, by a bond or the like, or absolutely:] he took, or received, a bond (وَثِيقَة) from him. (Ṣ, Ḳ.)

Root: وثق - Entry: 10. Signification: A2

أُكْتُبُوهُ ٱسْتِيثَاقًا وَدَفْعًا لِلنِّزَاعِ [Write ye it, (namely, the debt,) for the creditor's self-securing, and for preventing contention]. (Jel, ii. 282.) See اِسْتَظْهَرَ.

Root: وثق - Entry: 10. Signification: A3

اِسْتَوْثَقَ مِنَ البَابِ He closed the door firmly. (MA.)

Root: وثق - Entry: 10. Signification: A4

اِسْتَوْثَقَ مِنْ أُمُورِهِ: see أَعْنَجَ.

Root: وثق - Entry: 10. Signification: A5

اِسْتَوْثَقَ مِنَ المَالِ: see استوثج.

Root: وثق - Entry: 10. Signification: A6

اِسْتَوْثَقَ بِهِ He confided in him.


ثِقَةٌ Trusty; trustworthy; honest: applied as an epithet alike to a man and a woman, and to two or more men or women: pl. ثِقَاتٌ. (Mṣb.)

Root: وثق - Entry: ثِقَةٌ Signification: A2

بِهِ ثِقَتِى In him is my trust, or confidence. (TA.)

Root: وثق - Entry: ثِقَةٌ Signification: A3

لَسْتُ مِنْهُ عَلَى ثِقَةٍ I am not confident, or sure, of it. Occurring in the Ṣ, art. ضمر, &c. See an ex. voce شَهْرٌ (last sentence).

Root: وثق - Entry: ثِقَةٌ Signification: A4

أَخُو ثِقَةٍ: see أَخٌ.

Root: وثق - Entry: ثِقَةٌ Signification: A5

أَخَذَ بِالثِّقَةِ: see أَخَذَ, and see my explanation of إِحْتَاطَ.

وَثِيقَةٌ / الوَثِيقَةُ

الوَثِيقَةُ فِى الأَمْرِ The doing the thing firmly; and taking the sure method, or way; expl. by إِحْكَامُهُ والأَخْذُ بِالثَِّقَةِ. (TA.)

Root: وثق - Entry: وَثِيقَةٌ Signification: A2

وَثِيقَةٌ A bond, security, or writing of obligation for the payment of a debt or the like: pl. وَثَائِقُ. Ex., كِتْبَةُ الوَثَائِقِ (Bḍ, ii. 282,) The mode of writing bonds.

Root: وثق - Entry: وَثِيقَةٌ Signification: A3

A pledge.

Root: وثق - Entry: وَثِيقَةٌ Signification: A4

وَثِيقَةٌ i. q. دُرْجَةٌ, q. v.


أَخَذَ الأَمْرَ بِالأَوْثَقِ He set about the affair in the surest, or firmest, manner. (TA.)


مَوْثِقٌ andمِيثَاقٌ↓ A compact; a contract; a covenant; an agreement; a league; a treaty; an engagement; a bond; an obligation; a promise. (Ṣ, Ḳ, &c.)


مِيثَاقٌ: see مَوْثِقٌ; and Jel, &c., in ii. 60 and 87.


مَوْثُوقٌ بِهِ In whom [and in which] trust, or confidence, is placed. (Mgh.)


مُوَثَّقَةُ الخَلْقِ A she-camel rendered firm, strong, or compact, in make. (Ṣ.)

Indication of Authorities

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