Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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كظم كعب كعبر

2. ⇒ كعب

كَعَبَ الثَّدْىُ, aor. ـِ {يَكْعِبُ} and ـُ {يَكْعُبُ}, (it seems to be implied in one place in the Ḳ, that the aor. is ـَ; but this is not the case; TA,) inf. n. كُعُوبٌ and كِعَابَةٌ (by MF written كَعَابَةٌ) and كُعُوبَةٌ; andكعّب↓, inf. n. تَكْعِيبٌ; The girl's breast swelled, or became prominent or protuberant, (Ḳ,) and round: (TA:) [or began to swell, &c.: see كَاعِبٌ]: or they use the term تَفْلِيكٌ; then نُهُودٌ; and then تَكْعِيبٌ; [as applied to the successive stages of growth of the breast]. (TA.) كَعَبَتِ الجَارِيَةُ, aor. ـُ {يَكْعُبُ}, (and ـِ, TA,) inf. n. كُعُوبٌ; andكعّبت↓; [andتكعّبت↓; (A, TA in art. عج;)] The girl had breasts beginning to swell, or become prominent, or protuberant: (IAth, Ṣ:) [or had swelling, prominent, or protuberant, breasts: see كَاعِبٌ].

Root: كعب - Entry: 1. Dissociation: B

كَعَبَهُ, inf. n. كَعْبٌ, He beat him on a hard, or tough, part; as the head, and the like: (TA:) [and soكعّبه↓: for it is mentioned in the TA, that a certain king was surnamed المُكَعِّبُ from his beating the protuberances of people's heads].

Root: كعب - Entry: 1. Dissociation: C

كَعَبَ, aor. ـَ {يَكْعَبُ}; (Ḳ;) andكعّب↓, inf. n. تَكْعِيبٌ; (TA;) He filled a vessel (Ḳ), &c. (TA.)

2. ⇒ كعّب

[كعّب It (a reed, or cane,) put forth, or produced, its jointed stem.]

Root: كعب - Entry: 2. Signification: A2

[Hence the phrase:] إِنِّى أَرَى الشَّرَّ كَعَّبَ [† Verily I see the evil to have grown, like reeds when they put forth their jointed stems.] (TA, voce نَبَّبَ.)

Root: كعب - Entry: 2. Signification: A3

كعّب لَبَبَهَا He put to her breast-band [the pronoun app. referring to دَابَّة “a beast of carriage”] edges, or borders, like كُعُوب [app. meaning play-bones, or dice, or similar things.]. (TA.)

Root: كعب - Entry: 2. Signification: A4

كعّب, inf. n. تَكْعِيبٌ, He folded a garment, or piece of cloth, hard, or firmly, accord. to some, in a square form. (TA.) See also مُكَعَّبٌ.

Root: كعب - Entry: 2. Signification: A5

He made it square, (Ḳ,) [or rather of a cubic form].

Root: كعب - Entry: 2. Signification: A6

And see 1 in four places.

4. ⇒ اكعب

اكعب, inf. n. إِكْعَابٌ, He hastened: (Ḳ:) or he went away, paying no regard to anything: (TA:) or, inf. n. كَعَابٌ, he went away injuriously (مُضَارًّا [an act. part. n.]) not caring for what was behind him, [or for the people whom he left behind him]: like كَلَّلَ. (Aboo-Saʼeed.)


كَعْبٌ Any joint, juncture, or place of division, of the bones. (Ḳ.)

Root: كعب - Entry: كَعْبٌ Signification: A2

Also, [and more commonly, The ankle-bone, or talus;] in a man, what projects above the tarsus, where the foot is set on; (TA;) what projects above the foot; (Ḳ;) the bone that projects at the place of junction of the shank and the foot; (AA, Aṣ, Ṣ, Mṣb;) each foot has two bones thus termed; one on the right and the other on the left; (Mṣb;) each of the two bones that project on either side of the foot; (Ḳ, TA:) or the anklejoint, or tarsal-joint; the joint that is between the shank and the foot: (IAạr, &c., Mṣb:) Aṣ rejected the saying of the [common] people, that it is in the upper part (ظَهْر) of the foot: (Ṣ:) some persons say, that it is each of the two bones that are in the upper part (ظَهْر) of the foot: so say the Shee'ah: and in like manner Yaḥyà Ibn-El-Hárith speaks of the كِعَاب as in the middle of the foot: (TA:) pl. [of pauc.] أَكْعُبٌ and [of mult.] كُعُوبٌ and كِعَابٌ. (Ḳ.)

Root: كعب - Entry: كَعْبٌ Signification: A3

جَارِيَةٌ دَرْمَاءُ الكُعُوبِ A girl the heads of whose bones are not big [or prominent].

Root: كعب - Entry: كَعْبٌ Signification: A4

Also employed with reference to any quadruped; meaning, in a horse, What is between each وَظِيف and سَاق: or between the bone of the وظيف and the bone of the ساق; which projects backwards: [by this is meant, not the fetlock-joint, or hind fetlock-joint, but the hock: for it has been shown, voce عُرْقُوب, that the term كَعْب, with reference to quadrupeds, is sometimes applied to what anatomists term the tarsus]. (TA.)

Root: كعب - Entry: كَعْبٌ Signification: A5

كَعْبٌ andكَعْبَةٌ↓ [An ossicle] with which one plays; [a play-bone; a cockal-bone; the superior bone of the tarsus, called by anatomists astragalus or as tali, a little bone, somewhat oblong, taken from the foot of a sheep, or the like, thrown in play, like a die:] (Lḥ, Ḳ:) the die (فَصّ) that is used in the game of tables, or backgammon, (النَّرْد); (TA;) [any die that is used in play]: pl. (of the former word, TA) كِعَابٌ and (of the latter, TA,) كُعْبٌ and كَعَبَاتٌ. (Ḳ: the last so written accord. to the TA; but in the CK كَعْبَاتٌ.) The playing with the كعب is forbidden [Ḳur v. 92]. (TA.)

Root: كعب - Entry: كَعْبٌ Signification: A6

A conventional term of arithmeticians [a cube]. (Ḳ.)

Root: كعب - Entry: كَعْبٌ Signification: A7

A piece of clarified butter; (Ṣ;) such [a lump, or compact piece] as is termed كُتْلَة, thereof: (Ḳ:) and [a lump] of dates [compacted together]: (M, voce فِدْرَةٌ:) a piece of clarified butter, or of fat or grease. (TA.)

Root: كعب - Entry: كَعْبٌ Signification: A8

What is termed a صُمَّة (or what is poured out at once, or what remains in a vessel, &c., or a small quantity,) of milk, (Ḳ,) or of clarified butter. (TA.)

Root: كعب - Entry: كَعْبٌ Signification: A9

[A knot, or joint, of a reed or cane;] what is between each two internodal portions of a reed or cane; (Ḳ;) the prominent part that is at the extremity of each of the internodal portions of a spear [of reed or cane]: (Ṣ:) or an internodal portion, or portion that is between each two knots, or joints, of a reed or cane: (Mṣb:) pl. كُعُوبٌ and كِعَابٌ. (TA.)

Root: كعب - Entry: كَعْبٌ Signification: A10

By صاروا كعابا, in the following verse,

* رَأَيْتُ الشَّعْبَ مِنْ كَعْبٍ وَكَانُوا *
* مِنَ الشَّنْآنِ قَدْ صَارُوا كِعَابَا *

the poet means, they were divided and opposed in mind or opinion, so that each portion that was of one mind, or opinion, became a party by itself. (AAF.) [He seems to compare them to play-bones thrown on the ground; or to the several joints, or knots, of a reed, or cane; or to a spear not equal, or uniform, in the joints, or knots, of its cane-shaft.]

Root: كعب - Entry: كَعْبٌ Signification: A11

رُمْحٌ بِكَعْبٍ وَاحِدٍ A spear with equal, or uniform, knots, or joints; not having one knot, or joint, thicker than another. (TA.)

Root: كعب - Entry: كَعْبٌ Dissociation: B

Eminence, or nobility, and glory. (Ḳ.)

Root: كعب - Entry: كَعْبٌ Signification: B2

رَجُلٌ عَالِى الكَعْبِ A man eminent, or noble, and successful in his enterprises. (TA.)

Root: كعب - Entry: كَعْبٌ Signification: B3

أَعْلَى ٱللّٰهُ كَعْبَهُ May God exalt his glory! (TA, from a trad.)

Root: كعب - Entry: كَعْبٌ Signification: B4

لَا يَزَالُ كَعْبُكَ عَاليًا May thy glory not cease to be exalted! See عَالٍ, in art. علو. (TA.)

Root: كعب - Entry: كَعْبٌ Signification: B5

عَلَا كَعْبُكَ بِى Thy nobility, or glory, hath exalted me. (TA.)

Root: كعب - Entry: كَعْبٌ Signification: B6

This signification is taken from the كَعْب of a cane: and كَعْبٌ is applied to Anything elevated. (IAth.)


كُعْبٌ A girl's or woman's, breast, (Ḳ,) that is swelling, prominent, or protuberant. (TA.) See also كَاعِبٌ.


كَعْبَةٌ see كَعْبٌ.

Root: كعب - Entry: كَعْبَةٌ Signification: A2

Any square [or cubic] house, or chamber, or the like. (Ḳ.)

Root: كعب - Entry: كَعْبَةٌ Signification: A3

A chamber of the kind called غُرْفَة: (Ḳ:) thought by ISd to be so called because of its square [or cubic] form. (TA.)

Root: كعب - Entry: كَعْبَةٌ Signification: A4

الكَعْبَةُ The Sacred House; [the square, or cubic, building, in the centre of the Temple of Mekkeh]: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) said to be so called because of its square [or cubic] form: (Ṣ:) or because of its height and its square form: also called كَعْبَةُ البَيْتِ [The Kaabeh of the House (of God)]. (TA.)

Root: كعب - Entry: كَعْبَةٌ Signification: A5

الكَعَبَاتُ, (Ḳ,) or ذُو الكَعَبَاتِ, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) A house [or temple] belonging to the tribe of Rabee'ah, who used to compass it, or perform circuits round it, [as is done round the Kaabeh of Mekkeh]. (Ṣ, Ḳ: in one copy of the Ṣ, written ذُو الكَعَبَيْنِ.)


كُعْبَةٌ A girl's virginity, or maidenhead: (Ḳ:) [the virgineal membrane: as shown by a verse cited in the TA].


كُعْكُبٌّ: see كُعْكُبَّةٌ.


كُعْكُبَّةٌ A نُونَة of hair: this is made by a woman's disposing her hair in four plaits, and inserting them, one in another; thus they (i. e. the plaits, TA) become [what are termed] كُعْكُبٌّ↓ [a coll. gen. n., of which كعكبّة is the n. un.]. (Ḳ.)

Root: كعب - Entry: كُعْكُبَّةٌ Signification: A2

Also, and كُعْكُبِيَّةٌ, A certain mode of combing, or dressing, the hair. (Ḳ.)

Root: كعب - Entry: كُعْكُبَّةٌ Signification: A3

[These words are inserted in this art. in the Ḳ: but I think that they should be in a separate art., as quadriliteral-radical words; being of the same class as سِمْسَارٌ, &c.]


جَارِيَةٌ كَعَابٌ A virgin. (TA.) See كَاعِبٌ.


جَارِيَةٌ كَاعِبٌ, (this is the most common of the epithets here mentioned, TA,) andكَعَابٌ↓, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) andمُكَعِّبٌ↓, (Ḳ,) and كَاعِبَةٌ, (KL,) and, as written by some, مُكَعِّبَةٌ↓, (TA,) A girl whose breasts are beginning to swell, or become prominent, or protuberant: (IAth, Ṣ:) or having swelling, prominent, or protuberant, breasts: see 1: (Ḳ, TA:) pl. of the first كَوَاعِبُ and [of the first or second] كِعَابٌ; the latter mentioned by Th; the former occurring in the Ḳur lxxviii. 33. (TA.)

Root: كعب - Entry: كَاعِبٌ Signification: A2

ثَدْىٌ كَاعِبٌ. andمُكَعِّبٌ↓, andمُكَعَّبٌ↓, (in some copies of the Ḳ, مُكْعَبٌ, in either case extr., [the forms being those of pass. part. ns., and the signification that of an act. part. n.,]) andمُتَكَعِّبٌ↓, A girl's breast that is swelling, prominent, or protuberant: (Ḳ:) [or beginning to swell, &c.,: see 1, and see also كُعْبٌ].


مُكَعَّبٌ see كَاعِبٌ.

Root: كعب - Entry: مُكَعَّبٌ Signification: A2

A بُرْد, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) and a garment, or piece of cloth, variegated, or figured, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) with squares. (Lḥ, Ṣ.) Some explain it as signifying variegated, or figured, without applying it particularly to a garment, or piece of cloth, or to a برد. (TA.)

Root: كعب - Entry: مُكَعَّبٌ Signification: A3

A garment, or piece of cloth, folded hard or firmly, (Ṣ, Ḳ,) accord. to some, in a square form. (TA.)

Root: كعب - Entry: مُكَعَّبٌ Signification: A4

وَجْدٌ مُكَعِّبٌ A hard and projecting face. (TA.)

Root: كعب - Entry: مُكَعَّبٌ Signification: A5

مُكَعَّبَةٌ The kind of basket called دَوْحَلَّةٌ (Ḳ) and شَوْغَرَةٌ and وَشَخَةٌ. (TA.)


مُكَعِّبٌ: see كَاعِبٌ and 1.


مُتَكَعِّبٌ: see كَاعِبٌ.

Indication of Authorities

Lexicological and Grammatical Terms

Lexicologists and Grammarians Cited