Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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كدر كدس كدش

1. ⇒ كدس

كَدَسَهُ, (A, Mṣb, TA,) aor. ـِ {يَكْدِسُ}, (Mṣb,) inf. n. كَدْسٌ, (Mṣb, TA,) He collected it together; (A, TA;) made it into a كُدْس, accumulated, heaped, or piled up, one part upon another; (Mṣb;) namely, wheat, (A,) or reaped grain; (Mṣb, TA;) [and in like manner, ‡ money, and clothes, &c.: and soكدّس↓, inf. n. تَكْدِيسٌ; but this has an intensive signification, or applies to many objects: see مُكَدَّسٌ, below.]

Root: كدس - Entry: 1. Dissociation: B

كَدَسَتِ الخَيْلُ, (A, Mṣb,) [aor. ـِ {يَكْدِسُ},] inf. n. كَدْسٌ, (Mṣb,)The horses followed closely one upon another: (Mṣb:) or collected themselves together, and followed closely one upon another; as alsoتكدّست↓: (A:) or كَدْسٌ signifies the going quickly of one who is heavily laden: (Ṣ, Ḳ:) and كَدَسَتِ الخَيْلُ the horses went quickly, being heavily laden: (Ṣ:) and كَدَسَتِ الإِبِلُ the camels went quickly, with heaviness, and followed closely one upon another: (TA:) or [simply] went quickly: (Fr:) تَكَدُّسٌ↓ also signifies the walking, or going, quickly: (IAạr, Ḳ:) andتكدّس↓ الفَرَسُ the horse went as though he were heavily laden: (Ṣ:) orتَكَدُّسٌ↓ signifies the walking, or going, like him who is short and thick: (TA:) and the moving about the shoulder-joints, and erecting the part between the paps, (but instead of وَيَنْصِبَ مَا بَيْنَ ثَدْيَيْهِ, we find in some copies وَيَنْصَبُّ إِلَى مَا بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ [and descending towards the place before him], TA,) when walking, or going along, (Ḳ, TA,) as though one were going away at random; and thus the mountain-goats go: so accord. to IAạr: (TA:) andتكدّس↓ الإِنْسَانُ the man was pushed from behind, and fell down. (TA.)

2. ⇒ كدّس

see 1, first part.

5. ⇒ تكدّس

تكدّس It (wheat, A, or reaped grain, TA, [&c.,]) became collected together. (A, TA.)

Root: كدس - Entry: 5. Dissociation: B

See also 1, in five places.


كُدْسٌ Reaped grain collected together; [a heap thereof;] (A, Ḳ;) as alsoكُدَّاسٌ↓, like رُمَّانٌ: (Ibn-ʼAbbád and A, Ṣgh, Ḳ:) or what is collected together, of wheat, (Ṣ,* Mṣb,) in the place where it is trodden out: (Mṣb:) when trodden out and thrashed, it is called عَرَمَةٌ and صُبْرَةٌ: or, as Az says, in one place in the T, on the authority of IAạr, كُدْسٌ and بَيْدَرٌ and عَرَمَةٌ and شَغْلَةٌ are all one: and in another place he says, that كُدْسٌ signifies a collection of wheat: and in like manner, † what is collected [or heaped] together, of money, and of other things: (Mṣb:) or † of dates, (TA,) and ‡ of money, (A, TA,) and the like, (TA,) and ‡ of clothes: (A, TA:) also, † a large heap of sand, of which one part does not separate from another: (En-Naḍr:) andكُدَاسٌ↓, like غُرَابٌ, what is collected together, or heaped up, of snow: andكُدَاسَةٌ↓, what is collected together, and heaped up, one part upon another: (Ḳ:) the pl. of كُدْسٌ is أَكْدَاسٌ. (Ṣ, A, Mṣb.)

كُدَاسٌ / كُدَاسَةٌ

كُدَاسٌ and كُدَاسَةٌ: see كُدْسٌ


كُدَّاسٌ: see كُدْسٌ


كُدْسٌ مُكَدَّسٌ [What is collected together, of wheat,, &c., heaped up much]. (Mṣb.) You say also عِنْدَهُ مِنْ دَرَاهِمَ وَثِيَابٍ كُدْسٌ مُكَدَّسٌ[He has, of money, and of clothes, a collection heaped up much]: and أَكْدَاسٌ مُكَدَّسَةٌ[collections heaped up]. (A, TA.)

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