Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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ذول ذون ذوى

5. ⇒ تذوّن

تذوّن He was, or became, in a state of richness, wealth, or competence, and ease and plenty. (IAạr, Ḳ. [In the CK, النّعْمَةُ is here, as in many other instances, erroneously put for النَّعْمَةُ.]) [See also تدوّن. Perhaps both are correct, as dial. vars.]


ذَانٌ (Ṣ, Ḳ) and ذَيْنٌ, (TA,) [the latter belonging to art. ذين,] A vice, fault, defect, or the like; (Ṣ, Ḳ;) syn. with ذَابٌ [and ذَيْبٌ] and ذَامٌ and ذَيْمٌ; (Ṣ, TA;) as heard by ISk from AA. (Ṣ.)


ذُونُونٌ A certain plant: a dial. var. of ذُؤْنُونٌ, with ء: [see the latter in art. ذأن:] pl. ذَوَانِينُ: mentioned by Az, on the authority of Ks. (TA.)

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