Classical Arabic - English Dictionary

by Edward William Lane (1801-1876)

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ادب ادر ادم

1. ⇒ أدر

أَدِرَ, aor. ـَ {يَأْدَرُ}, (T, M, Mṣb, Ḳ,) inf. n. أَدَرٌ (Lth, T, Ṣ, Mgh) and أَدَرَةٌ, (Lth, TA,) or أُدْرَةٌ, (as in the TT,) or أُدْرَةٌ is a simple subst., (M, Ḳ,) and so is أُدْرَةٌ, (Ḳ,) He (a man, Ṣ) had the disorder termed أُدْرَةٌ. (T, Ṣ, M, &c.)


أُدْرَةٌ a subst. from أَدِرَ;[see آدَرُ, below;] (Ḳ;) as alsoأَدَرَةٌ↓: (M, Ḳ:) the former signifies [A scrotal hernia;] an inflation in the خُصْيَة [or the testicle, or the scrotum]: (T,* Ṣ:) or an inflation of the خُصْيَة: (Mṣb:) or a disorder consisting in an inflation, or a swelling, of the خُصْيَتَانِ, and their becoming greatly enlarged with matter or wind therein: (Esh-Shiháb, on the Soorat el-Ahzáb:) or a largeness of the خُصَ: (Mgh:) andأَدَرَةٌ↓ also signifies what is vulgarly termed قَيْلَةٌ [meaning in the present day a scrotal hernia]: or, accord. to some, i. q. خُصْيَةٌ. (TA.) [See also 1.]


أَدَرَةٌ: see أُدْرَةٌ, in two places. [See also 1.]


آدَرُ (T, Ṣ, M, Mgh, Mṣb, Ḳ) andمَأْدُورٌ↓ (M, Ḳ) A man (Ṣ) [having a scrotal hernia; or] having an inflation in the خُصْيَة [or the testicle, or the scrotum]: (T,* Ṣ:) or having an inflation of the خُصْيَة: (Mṣb:) or having his صِفَاق [or inner skin] ruptured, so that [some of] his intestines fall into his scrotum; the rupture being in every instance only in the left side: or afflicted by a rupture in one of his خُصْيَانِ [or in either half of the scrotum]: (M, Ḳ:) or having a largeness of the خُصَى (Mgh:) pl. of the former, أُدُرٌ; (Mṣb, Ḳ;) and of the latter, مَآدِيرُ. (Ḳ.) Accord. to some, (M,) أَدْرَآءُ خُصْيَةٌ signifies [A testicle, or scrotum,] large, without rupture. (M, Ḳ.)


مَأْدُورٌ: see آدَرُ.

Indication of Authorities

Lexicological and Grammatical Terms

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